Archive for the ‘Demonic politics’ Category

Too Smart — Too Sophisticated to Believe in God?

July 11, 2018


Graphic:  Slide Share . net

The following post over at American Thinker starts off discussing the suicide of Anthony Bourdain, and shares a pertinent Bible verse.

“For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” (Mark 8:36) Bourdain was famous, and worth $16 million.

Kate Spade’s suicide happened shortly afterwards.  What would bring millionaires like this to such despair that they would take their own lives?

We found out that Robin Williams killed himself because of a disease he had and he didn’t want to be a burden to his family.

I’m no expert on why people commit suicide, but apparently there could be many reasons why people, unfortunately, follow through on it.

But this post isn’t only about that tragic state of affairs.  The next paragraph in Mr. Marcus’ post is the main reason I wanted to share it here.

Folks, we live is such an evil time that merely suggesting that people are better off with God in their lives is venomously attacked and branded fanatical religious hate speech. But I am going to go there anyway.

Have you noticed that oftentimes, evangelical Christians are being blamed on news programs for the election of Donald J. Trump?  Never mind those 30% (a diverse crowd, by the way) who had voted for Obama in the two previous presidential elections, but decided to vote for Trump over Clinton in 2016!

Below is the rest of Mr. Marcus’ essay.   His brilliant essay included many of the thoughts and conclusions that I have come to believe regarding the hatred being spewed here in America ever since the election of 2016.


Mr. Bourdain, and I suspect Ms. Spade, were leftists. Typically, leftists think themselves too smart -– too sophisticated to believe in God. Remember the closed-door fundraising event at which Obama demeaned fly-over-country voters for clinging to their guns and religion?

On the Christian-hating “View” TV show, Joy Behar called Vice President Pence “mentally ill” for saying he talks to Jesus. Historian David Barton documents how America was founded upon our Founders praying and receiving guidance from God.

In 1798, founding father John Adams said, “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people.” Today, Christian politicians are branded “dangerous” by leftist-dominated mainstream media.

The Democrat party hijacked by leftists removed God from their platform. When Democrats voted God back into their platform the convention floor erupted with angry boos. Can you imagine a political party so wicked that they boo God?

Leftists laugh at Christians. Leftists erroneously believe man is the ultimate power, capable of regulating equal outcomes. They foolishly believe man can save or destroy the planet. Michael Crichton brilliantly articulates leftist folly in his novel Jurassic Park. Believing themselves to be wiser than God, leftists always fight to change God’s original intent regarding biology, marriage, and gender.

This scripture nails the leftist mindset. “Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools.” (Romans 1:22) Folks, we witness their foolishness every day. They say that if a man awakes feeling like a woman that day, he should be legally permitted to use public women restrooms. They say that teachers addressing students as boys and girls is hateful and exclusive and must not be tolerated. They say four-year-olds must be introduced to homosexuality and taught “gay love is beautiful”.

For eight years Obama forced anti-God extreme liberal foolishness down the throats of mainstream commonsense thinking Americans. Thank God Trump is rolling back Obama’s war on Christianity, restoring our constitutional religious liberty.

Obama was the left’s dream president. He aggressively stripped the God of Christianity from our government. Obama chastised Christians at the National Prayer Breakfast. He relentlessly tried to bully the one-hundred-year-old Little Sisters of the Poor into funding abortion services, an anathema against their religious convictions. Obama enthusiastically honored homosexuals, Black Lives Matter, and Muslims with celebrations at the White House while turning away the National Day of Prayer. Obama was the most biblically-hostile president in U.S. history.

Disney’s movie, A Wrinkle in Time, starring Oprah Winfrey struggled at the box office. Perhaps the reason is leftist producers stripped Bible quotes, a reference to Jesus and historical Christian figures from the movie adaptation of the beloved children’s book.

While threatening to jail anyone disrespectful of Islam, leftists boldly display disdain for Christianity. They hate Jesus for saying, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” (John 14:6)

How dare Jesus declare himself the only way to heaven. Liberal media goddess Oprah has decreed that Jesus is not the only way to God. Oprah foolishly professes herself to be wise, too enlightened to believe Jesus Christ is the only path to God.

The gangster movie Scarface has a strong biblical message. Drug lord Tony Montana had everything he thought would bring him happiness; power, a mountain of cocaine, extreme wealth, and beautiful women at his command. And yet, Tony was miserable. All Tony’s stuff could not fill that spiritual void inside which produces peace, happiness, and a fulfilled life.

Sadly, Mr. Bourdain’s and Ms. Spade’s extreme wealth, power, and fame failed to produce inner peace and happiness. Both are unfortunate casualties of leftist mindsets, too smart and too sophisticated to humbly trust in the God of Christianity.

Lloyd Marcus, The Unhyphenated American

Hat tip: The American Thinker: Bourdain: Casualty of Leftist Mindset

Hat tip also to: Truth 2 Freedom’s blog where I first found the link to the article.


Personal story.

A few days ago, I got into a conversation with someone with whom I have known for a long time.  She appeared to be conservative, and has claimed that she is a Christian.  Some tough situations within her family life had caused great pain and sorrow.  During our subsequent discussions, she rarely mentioned anything about her faith anymore.

I have been trying to avoid getting into left vs. right arguments with people who dislike President Trump.  However, in this case I realized that this particular woman did not know basic facts about the last election or the vitriol that followed and has been ratcheted up over the last 20 months.

She objected to Trump winning, despite the popular vote that Hillary ended up with on election day.  I explained to her why the Founders decided to utilize the Electoral College method when electing the president.  She truly did not understand it until I had explained it.

During our conversation, she indicated that she personally dislikes Trump.  I agreed that he isn’t the typical, smooth politician and that he has said some regrettable things.  However, despite his personal failings,  I shared several of the many accomplishments of his administration and she agreed that he is doing a good job of turning this nation around.

I mention this because of the above article written by Lloyd Marcus.  People, Mr. Marcus completely NAILED IT in regards to the void of proper discussions going on today.  Instead, it’s only hatred, meanness, derision, mocking, threatening, and dangerous vitriol that is constantly being spewed by radical leftists.  Many, apparently, cannot even fathom having a decent conversation with those on the right or those who support President Trump.

Obama was their “prized” president.  He espoused most of everything on the leftist side of the political spectrum that they believe in.  But, even when he didn’t like some of the policies that came about, they forgave him (or ignored the issue) because of their love and agreement of this man’s political ideology.  They had the mentality that Obama “could do nothing wrong” and the media of mass deception kept that image alive by oftentimes not reporting the truth.

Now, because President Trump is mostly the complete opposite of Obama, the leftists have, and continue to be, losing their collective minds.  The media and celebrity negative rancor dominates 95% of the news broadcasts; oftentimes completely ignoring all of the great accomplishments that President Trump has done for our nation, economy, and people.

It’s truly sad that so many people do not allow those with opposing views a voice on news programs.  They ignore the other side in their conversations.  More distressing, is that when they report, they can’t seem to do it without being hostile, nasty or even downright hate-filled and dangerous!

Prophetic update: Is the Great Deception here?

January 22, 2018

Some call it fake news. Jesus called it deception. When His disciples asked about the signs of the last days, Jesus began by giving His followers this warning: “Take heed that no one deceives you” (Matthew 24:4).

We live in an age of deception – fake news, false advertising, viral lies and click bait. The mainstream media perpetrate falsehoods regularly, as do various alternative media.

But one of the major sources of 21st-century deception can be found in an unlikely place: our schools. For instance, the U.S. Department of Education urges all public schools to teach Islam.

It’s really just thinly veiled propaganda, though they would certainly not use that word. The DoE says schools should teach Islam “to create an anti-bias learning environment.”

Many regularly teach the religious doctrine that God and Allah are the same. Forget the “separation of church and state” arguments for the moment. This one teaching alone is a form of gross – and deadly – deception. And the deception is being inculcated in our malleable children, by order of the state!

In 2017, truth became even more subservient to political correctness. Isaiah 5:20 says, in part, “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil …” Those words perfectly describe the pervasive spirit of deception that seems to have settled upon our world.

Another sign of the end times is an increase in the persecution of those who name the name of Jesus Christ.

Christianity Today reported, “For the third year in a row, the modern persecution of Christians worldwide has hit another record high.” Fox News said, “Nearly one in 12 Christians across the globe lives in an area where there is high-level persecution against members of the religion.”

A Yemeni man called “Sam” told CBN News: “Life for Christians in Yemen is very hard. For that matter, across the Middle East, there’s not a country where Christians are not suffering for their faith. This is our reality.”

But 2017 also found the persecution of Christians arise in unexpected places. Canada enacted Bill 89, which gives the state the power to take a child away from his or her parents if they do not agree that their child is transgender.

Jack Fonseca of Campaign Life Coalition warned: “[W]e’ve entered an era of totalitarian power by the state, such as never witnessed in Canada’s history. … Bill 89 is a grave threat to Christians and all people of faith.”

Even in America, it is becoming dangerous to be a Christian – especially one who is willing to take a stand for Judeo-Christian values. In 2017, the U.S. Supreme Court heard the case of Jack Phillips, the Colorado baker who declined to make a wedding cake for a homosexual couple. His story is a reminder that following Christ may soon harm a believer’s ability to hold a job or run his own business in a Western nation.

Over the last few decades, some Bible scholars have postulated that the “mark of the beast” might be a computer chip inserted under a person’s skin. The chip would serve as an identifier and repository of vast amounts of information about the individual.

From critical medical information to credit and banking information, the chip would guarantee security and convenience. It would also make possible an amazing Bible prophecy concerning the Antichrist’s partner, the False Prophet.

Revelation 13:16-17 foretells, “He causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand, or on their forehead, and he provides that no one should be able to buy or sell, except the one who has the mark.”

In July of 2017, a company in Wisconsin implanted tiny computer chips into the hands of about 50 employee volunteers. These chips only allow them to open doors and buy snacks from vending machines without money. In other words, they’re to make things more convenient for the busy employees. It sounds harmless enough, but it portends more ominous possibilities in the future.

Last year, the New York Times called certain toys “the cyber security nightmares of 2017.” The paper was referring to the fact that more and more toys contain cameras and microphones that connect to the internet – and constantly gather data.

Today, toys spy on us. Cell phones spy on us. Televisions, cars and even refrigerators spy on us.

In 2017, TSA began using facial scans at some airports. In October, the liberal Slate magazine reported on legislation pending before Congress. It said, “… an alarming section of the bill would give… a green light to begin using biometrics to identify people in airports nationwide… right now there’s only one technology fit for a biometric surveillance system: automated, real-time face scans

Read it all: WND: Prophetic Update: Is The Great Deception Here?

I wanted to copy and paste more of the article, but my computer is acting up and I keep getting the message: “WND is not responding.” I think that such a message, in and of itself, is a deception being done by g00gle in order to keep readers from that conservative website. Or, maybe it is just my computer? (I received a Mac laptop for Christmas and am anxious to learn how to use it so that I don’t have to deal with these “Internet Explorer” problems anymore!)

I have read that conservative sites are often targeted with difficulties, bans, and even undeserved blocking to make their readership go down. Need an example? Here’s one:

Right Wing News: How Conservatives Are Being Destroyed by Facebook, Twitter and Google Without Even Realizing It

My little ole’ Talk wisdom blog, with only 93 followers and usual readership of anywhere from 20 – 50 viewers each day, isn’t a big threat so g00gle likely ignores this site. [There have been times where certain posts got 100’s of viewers, and in the case of the Stephen Paddock Las Vegas shooting post, my stats rose to the highest level ever; over 2,300 views!]

Back to the topic. Hopefully readers here will go to WND and read the entire article. I would like to cite some of the better comments left there.

1. USPatriotOne • 14 minutes ago

The Bible is very clear on what needs to happen before Jesus’s return and the birth pains this world will go through before his return. There are several birth pains from earthquake’s to weather to signs from space to man’s deceptions and lies against their fellow man/woman to the mark of the beast and on and on it goes..!!! Nearly all these signs have either already come into being or are in the process of manifesting into our very lives whether we want this to happen or not..!!! I never found the Bible (the word of God/Jesus/Holy Spirit) to be wrong in any shape or form. Yes Satan and his NWO/Deep State/DemoRats/Rino’s and Islam lie daily to “We the People” and the World at large that the Bible is wrong, but it’s all part of the great deception engulfing our planet, and yes Jesus is about to return, I believe, all the piece’s to God’s grand puzzle are nearly in place! Satan and his demonic followers know this and their end is NEAR! Praise be to the Lord Jesus Christ! Please Lord Jesus protect Prez Trump and VP Pence along with all Christians and Jews in America, Israel and around the world, I pray this in you most holy name our Lord and Savior “Jesus Christ”…Amen!

2. Al-Franki “el-da dhimmi” • 2 hours ago

Hal’s right, we’re pretty fully ‘decepted’ by now. I do remember his book from the 60’s warning us about end times. That was a long time ago he was telling us this…just remember, God’s ‘time’ is not ‘our’ time. It’s up to us to ‘see’ and heed the warnings no matter the time period.

allpan • 12 hours ago
Great article, right on target. America has a poor teaching problem. We are # 36 out of 75 countries taking the international testing (PITA). We teach everything except the basics. Truly, our nation and others are facing the Judgment of God. There is so much disunity in the USA, violence, hatred and rejection of the Bible, we are truly in the last times. The Tribulation spoken of in the Bible is going to be a shocker to this world.


4. Watcher • 11 hours ago

“Today, toys spy on us. Cell phones spy on us. Televisions, cars and even refrigerators spy on us. In 2017, TSA began using facial scans at some airports. In October, the liberal Slate magazine reported on legislation pending before Congress. It said, “… an alarming section of the bill would give… a green light to begin using biometrics to identify people in airports nationwide… right now there’s only one technology fit for a biometric surveillance system: automated, real-time face scans.””

“in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man” (Dan. 7:8)

Cameras have eyes like the eyes of man.

Google: “comparing the human eye and a camera”

That bit of prophecy in Daniel 7:8 is telling us that there won’t be many places to hide from the kingdom of the Anti-Messiah, for camera eyes shall be virtually everywhere. That’s one of many ways in which his kingdom shall as much as possible mimic the coming kingdom of the true Messiah. If people understood that, they wouldn’t be off on a wild-goose chase looking for a Muslim Antichrist…

[Note from Christine: The camera comparison from commenter “Watcher” might be a bit off because the verse continues with, “and a mouth speaking great things.”    However, with the technology of today (and cameras everywhere!), it’s true that “there won’t be many places to hide” from the rule of the Antichrist. Here’s a graphic with a better illustration:

Since “allah” is a false god, IMHO, the Antichrist could be (most likely, secretively) muslim. I did find the Daniel 7:8 verse fascinating in the context of this discussion.]

End of Hal Lindsey’s article:

Why are people so upset with President Trump? Sure, he rubs some people the wrong way. He says unexpected and, sometimes, inappropriate things. He speaks – or tweets – when maybe he should stay silent.

But when you look beyond his bluster and just look at his actions and record, he’s mostly a moderate, right-of-center politician – not at all out of the mainstream.

I think the real reason so many people are obsessed with destroying President Trump can be found in his resistance to the New World Order.

In 2017, he refused to recertify the Iran nuclear deal. He formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. He pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate Accord. He’s renegotiating NAFTA. He put an end to the Trans-Pacific Partnership. He demanded that NATO members pay their own way. He called the United Nations to account and cut some of its funding. He got tough with the Palestinian Authority. He put the Muslim nations on notice that it’s their responsibility to confront and curb Islamic terrorism. And more.

In other words, he stood up to and fought the globalist elites who were on the brink of cementing their supra-national control of the entire world. And, believe it or not, by doing that and by seeking to return autonomy and sovereignty to the United States – and bring Judeo-Christian values back to the public square – President Trump may have complicated the build-up to the Antichrist’s one-world government.

And doing that guarantees him some terribly powerful enemies – including Satan himself.

That’s why, as we enter 2018, it is so critical that all believers follow Paul’s admonition: “I urge that entreaties and prayers, petitions and thanksgivings, be made on behalf of all men, for kings and all who are in authority, in order that we may lead a tranquil and quiet life in all godliness and dignity” (1 Timothy 2:1-2).

I would go a step further. I urge you to pray earnestly and daily specifically for our president and vice president. Pray that God will encourage them, give them wisdom and determination, and protect them as they stand in the gap for the America we know and love.

Some people consider the Trump Presidency as a type of reprieve from what is eventually going to come as a result of end times prophecy.  Of course, that would depend upon one’s political, social, and religious beliefs.  Those that hate President Trump [for whatever reason(s)] will likely NEVER see the good that he has accomplished in the first year of his presidency.

No matter what, keep praying people!

Hat tip: WorldNetDaily

The Lies and Viciousness of Leftists

June 13, 2017

A day ago, Ivanka Trump appeared on Fox and Friends and lamented the viciousness and ferocity being spewed against her father and family. She is absolutely correct! There is no doubt about it that the lies and viciousness of the attacks by the leftist Democrats is truly disgusting! Readers who have been paying attention know about all of the more recent attacks.

  1.  Kathy Griffin decapitated head of Trump photo session (sick and evil, to say the least!)
  2.  The fact that she was quoted in an article that she intends to “get  to Trump by “going after 11-year-old Barron” is unconscionable!
  3.   The play where Trump is mimicked in an assassination attempt.
  4.    The 7 month old LIE where the media of mass deception attempted to accuse Trump of collusion with the Russians; and there is much more that I could list.

In another disgusting display of hatred, viciousness, and vitriol, crazy Bernie Sanders went ballistic against Russell Vought in a hearing for his confirmation as President Trump’s pick for deputy director at the Office of Management and Budget.

The following is a copy of a post at

June 12, 2017

What does a man’s theology have to do with the U.S. economy? A lot, if you’re Russell Vought. The respected economist, President Trump’s pick for deputy director at the Office of Management and Budget, thought he’d have to answer some tough questions at his Senate hearing last week. But like most of us, he thought they’d be about finances — not faith.

Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) flipped that script, launching into an aggressive and bizarre attack on Vought’s Christianity (which Sanders called “hateful,” “indefensible,” and “insult[ing]”). Shouting until he was red in the face (see the video below), he accused the president’s nominee of being an Islamaphobe for believing what the Bible says about salvation. In a tantrum that made the James Comey hearing seem tame, Sanders managed to expose one thing: which one of them is truly intolerant. To Sanders’s crazy, Vought was the picture of poise, calmly explaining that he believes every person is made in the image of God, but that Christianity teaches that Jesus Christ is the only means of salvation and path to heaven.

It was an eye-opening display for most people, who may not have realized the level of contempt many liberals hold toward the majority religion in America. Just think: this is a senator who almost won the Democratic Party’s nomination for president — a man who thinks there’s no room in the public square for people who believe the Bible! I suppose it shouldn’t be a surprise that the same party who wanted God out of their platform also wants Him out of public service. As far as the Left is concerned, Christians in government have four options: they can hide their faith, deny it, recant it, or work elsewhere. Ironically, that makes most liberals guilty of the same prejudice they’re trying to pin on men and women of faith!

As Emma Green wrote for the Atlantic, “It’s one thing to take issue with bigotry. It’s another to try to exclude people from office based on their theological convictions. Sanders used the term ‘Islamophobia’ to suggest that Vought fears Muslims for who they are. But in his writing, Vought was contesting something different: He disagrees with what Muslims believe, and does not think their faith is satisfactory for salvation. Right or wrong, this is a conviction held by millions of Americans — and many Muslims might say the same thing about Christianity.”

Unfortunately, liberals like Sanders have no problem hauling someone’s personal views into the limelight and judging them on those beliefs — whether they impact a person’s public policies or not! Sanders’s Oklahoma colleague, Senator James Lankford (R-Okla.) could hardly believe his ears.

“Bernie Sanders questioned an OMB nominee this week about religion in a way that is dangerously close to crossing a clear constitutional line for how we evaluate qualifications for public service. Article VI of the US Constitution clearly states, ‘no religious Test shall ever be required as a Qualification to any Office or public Trust under the United States.’ The First Amendment is crystal clear that the federal government must protect every American’s right to the peaceful and free exercise of religion. We cannot say we have the free exercise of religion and also require people to practice their faith only in a way that government officials prefer… The freedom to be Christian, Yezidi, Jewish, Muslim, Sikh, or another religion, or practice no religion, is an American right, and the United States Senate must not waver in our protection of that diversity and freedom. If we waver on the First Amendment, all of our constitutional rights, like free speech, freedom of assembly, and many others, become at risk.”

The Framers saw the possibility for the kind of conflict Bernie Sanders ignited and did everything they could to stop it. As James Madison, the chief architect of the Constitution, observed, “a zeal for different opinions concerning religion” has throughout history “inflamed [men] with mutual animosity, and rendered them much more disposed to vex and oppress each other, than to co-operate for their common good.” To stop those divisions, the Framers made it clear in the U.S. Constitution that there was to be no “religious test” and deferred to the states (many of which had state religions at the time) if they wanted to demand orthodoxy as a condition of public service.

What Bernie Sanders is doing is imposing his own test, a reverse religious test — that people have no religious convictions. But that was never what the Founders intended. It was John Adams, after all, who said “Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious People. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” If anyone’s on the wrong side of that equation, it’s Bernie Sanders — not the millions of Christians whose faith this nation was founded on. Join the 46,669 other Americans who are demanding an apology from Sanders for his bigotry. Sign our petition here and ask his colleagues to pledge that they won’t oppose nominees on the basis of their religious views. /end of transcript


Even if crazy Bernie manages to “apologize,” it would most likely be out of obligation rather than sincerity of heart.  This man’s atheistic communist ideology is nothing new.  However, it is amazing to me that so many young people followed him during the Dem primary, attended his rallies, and likely voted for him in the Democratic primary.  Perhaps the man didn’t reveal this vicious side of himself?  Maybe the young followers did not know the history of his type of belief system because they weren’t taught about it in either high school or college?  So many were fooled by this awful man!

Sander’s hatred of Christianity and Christian believers who actually read the Bible and follow the true Gospel of Christ was foretold 2,000 years ago by Christ Himself.

Jhn 15:18

“If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you.

Jhn 15:19

“If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.

Sanders is an example of someone who is “of this world.”

Jesus continues:

Jhn 15:20

“Remember the word that I said to you, ‘A servant is not greater than his master.’ If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My word, they will keep yours also.

Jhn 15:21

“But all these things they will do to you for My name’s sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me.

Jhn 15:22

“If I had not come and spoken to them, they would have no sin, but now they have no excuse for their sin.

Mr. Russell Vought was being persecuted for his faith.  Jesus told us to expect this.  However, people like Sanders have “no excuse for their sin.”

Jesus continues:

Jhn 15:23

“He who hates Me hates My Father also.

Jhn 15:24

“If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would have no sin; but now they have seen and also hated both Me and My Father.

Jhn 15:25

“But this happened that the word might be fulfilled which is written in their law, ‘They hated Me without a cause.’[fn]

Jesus’ words here were indicative during the time and events when they were spoken.  However, since the Bible is a miraculous book, we know that such truth was also spoken for all the ages to come.

I used to think that Bernie was treated unfairly by the Dems.  The super delegate methods imposed in order to get HiLIARy the nomination was a nefarious political move to push him out of the contest.  After hearing the truth about Bernie’s horrible views of Christianity, I feel that America had dodged a second  political “bullet” of disaster.  He might have been even worse than HiLIARy – if such a notion is even possible!

Be prepared.  The ongoing far-leftist Dem vitriol will most likely continue throughout Trump’s presidency.

I will continue to rely on my Savior, Jesus Christ.  The Holy Spirit is here to guide me unto all truth, and I can rely on Him no matter what comes my way.

Jhn 15:26

“But when the Helper comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth who proceeds from the Father, He will testify of Me.

Jhn 15:27

“And you also will bear witness, because you have been with Me from the beginning.

My recommendation?

Romans 8 is a great portion of Scripture to refer to any day, but especially in this day and age!

The vicious vitriol we face here in America pales in comparison to what Christians are facing in other countries that are battling ISIS.

Rom 8:35

Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?

Rom 8:36

As it is written:

“For Your sake we are killed all day long;
We are accounted as sheep for the slaughter.”[fn]

Rom 8:37

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

Even in death, we are more than conquerors through Jesus Christ!

Rom 8:37

Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.

Rom 8:38

For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come,

Rom 8:39

nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Hat tips to all  links.


“When someone is vicious like that towards a person, it is often the result of a deep spiritual problem.” – Charlie Watson Jr.

Col 3:15

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to which also you were called in one body; and be thankful.

Col 3:16

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

Col 3:17

And whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.

What is Stored Up In You?

January 19, 2017

As I witness the continual, never-ending calamity going on within our political system, I decided to find out the truth behind it all.   The reasons for my search include the following:

  1. The horrible rhetoric that comes from certain individuals in Congress.
  2. The pundits on TV who agree with such harmful words (and their motives behind it all).
  3. The hatred spewed daily by the Hollyweird crowd.
  4. The radical and dangerous groups that have chosen to do evil and plot schemes to cause disruption and outright harm to the Americans attending the inauguration of Donald J. Trump as our next President of the United States.What is the underlying cause?

    I decided to go to the Bible to help me figure out and understand why many persons on the far left choose to be so vicious against (and highly disparaging of) their opponents (especially Christians!) on the right.

Those words spoken by Jesus in John 16:33 are a continual comfort to me!  We are to expect trouble and tribulation in this temporal world, but Jesus has overcome the world!  As believers and followers of Him, what could be better than all of His promises to us?

When addressing the Pharisees in Matthew 12:22-37 (who accused Jesus of casting out demons through the power of Satan) in Matthew 12:22-37,  Jesus said, “The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in him, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in him.”  Matthew 12:35 NIV


Jesus was telling us that what we say reveals what is in our hearts.  What comes out of the mouth is an indication of what your heart is really like.

When Jesus began his ministry on earth, he said, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.” Matthew 4:17b

We know that well-known people (i.e. athletes, celebrities, politicians, even religious leaders) make public apologies.  However, it begs the question:  Are they truly sorry or sorry they were found out?

Only God knows, of course.  We could phrase it another way and say if people (including us) are sorry for sins, shouldn’t they (we) come forth on their (our) own before they (we) are called out?

In 2 Corinthians 7:9 we are shown the fruit of genuine sorrow.

“Now I rejoice, not that you were made sorry, but that your sorrow led to repentance.  For you were made sorry in a godly manner, that you might suffer loss from us in nothing.”

We recognize that “godly sorrow produces repentance” (2 Corinthians 7:10).  That is, when we are truly sorry about something, it will be evidenced by our repentance–which includes confession, asking forgiveness, and restitution where it is needed.

The NIV version of 2 Corinthians 7:10 reads:

Godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret, but worldly sorrow brings death.

We could contrast the obvious godly sorrow that Peter felt when he denied Jesus three times (which Jesus predicted he would do even before it happened!) vs. the worldly sorrow that Judas felt when he tossed the 30 pieces of silver back to the Pharisees and then ended up hanging himself.

Compare Peter’s remorse and repentance with Judas’s bitterness and act of suicide.  Both disowned Christ.  One repented and was restored to faith and service, the other took his own life.  Worldly sorrow leads to death.  Not only death in this earthly life, but also eternal death.

Another example is the two thieves on either side of Christ as he hung on the cross.

Luk 23:39

Then one of the criminals who were hanged blasphemed Him, saying, “If You are the Christ,[fn] save Yourself and us.

Luk 23:40

But the other, answering, rebuked him, saying, “Do you not even fear God, seeing you are under the same condemnation?

Luk 23:41

“And we indeed justly, for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but this Man has done nothing wrong.”

Luk 23:42

Then he said to Jesus, “Lord,[fn] remember me when You come into Your kingdom.”

Luk 23:43

And Jesus said to him, “Assuredly, I say to you, today you will be with Me in Paradise.”

It is never too late to repent!  Right before the thief’s death, he acknowledged his sin and asked Jesus to remember him when He comes into His kingdom!

Paul told us that there is a false kind of sorrow–the “sorrow of the world.”  And that sorrow leads not to repentance but to “death.”  Yes, sins and errors of judgment are embarrassing and sometimes shameful.  But when their magnitude is truly realized, godly sorrow always leads to repentance–a change of mind and direction.

D. Martyn Lloyd-Jones wrote:

“Christianity starts with repentance.”

Very true!  The term “repent” appears in the Bible 33 times in 32 verses.

John the Baptist, who was prophesied in Isaiah 40:3 urged people to repent:

Mat 3:1

In those days John the Baptist came preaching in the wilderness of Judea,

Mat 3:2

and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand!”

Mat 3:3

For this is he who was spoken of by the prophet Isaiah, saying:

“The voice of one crying in the wilderness:
‘Prepare the way of the LORD;
Make His paths straight.’ ”[fn – Isaiah 40:3]

More prophecy fulfilled from (4:16)

Isaiah 9:1, 2


Mat 4:12

Now when Jesus heard that John had been put in prison, He departed to Galilee.

Mat 4:13

And leaving Nazareth, He came and dwelt in Capernaum, which is by the sea, in the regions of Zebulun and Naphtali,

Mat 4:14

that it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Isaiah the prophet, saying:

Mat 4:15

“The land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali,
By the way of the sea, beyond the Jordan,
Galilee of the Gentiles:

Mat 4:16

The people who sat in darkness have seen a great light,
And upon those who sat in the region and shadow of death
Light has dawned.”[fn]

Mat 4:17

From that time Jesus began to preach and to say, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.”

There is a Proverb that reads:

For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity.  Proverbs 24:16

There is another Proverb that reads:

Do not envy wicked men, do not desire their company; for their hearts plot violence, and their lips talk about making trouble.   Proverbs 24:1-2

Since there is none who are righteous (see Isaiah 64:6 and Romans 3) God sent His Son to pay the penalty for our sins and reside in our hearts (through the Holy Spirit)  as His righteousness within us!

Jesus’ shed blood at the cross was the propitiation for our sins; and believing in Him, confessing and repenting of our sins, is the only way back to God.

Hat tips:

Blue Letter Bible
All Graphics links

Why Is That?

November 27, 2016

If you are a Christian conservative, you might be asking the question, “Why Is That?” regarding the great divide that has happened during and after this contentious election of 2016. The liberal lunatic policies over the past 8 years under the 0bama BADministration has brain-dirtied many groups of people, especially many of the self-named  “coddled childish” Millennials. Those that “came of age” during that time most likely don’t even know about correct history because of the liberal leftist lies that have been drilled into their brains.

Why Is That?

Well, by the end of this post I’m going to make a simple, but hopefully accurate, attempt to answer that question.

Fellowship of the Minds reports: “Hillary Uses Jill Stein to Steal Election Via Voter Recounts in Battleground States.

Read it all at that link, but here is a pertinent excerpt:

Jill Stein made her intentions known on her Facebook page around 4 p.m. Wednesday afternoon, Nov. 23. By this afternoon (Nov. 26), Stein has raised more than $5.8 million, with the goal now upped to $7 million. See for yourself at Jill2016.

In other words, in just 3 days Stein raised $5.8 million, all by crowd funding! The same Jill Stein who was the only candidate on the November ballot to rely on public money — four federal payments totaling $456,000 under the Presidential Election Campaign Fund — for her own failed presidential campaign.

So who are these millions of Americans who are donating to Stein’s vote recount war chest?

As in robots. Machines. Not real people.

How do we know this?

Because the donations came in and are still coming in in REGULAR intervals — even at 3 a.m. when most Americans are asleep.

Two days ago, freelance journalist Jim Stone wrote:

“JILL STEIN’S ELECTION RECOUNT IS BEING PAID FOR BY A BOT! A bot is pulling cash from a central fund, and giving it out at a pre determined rate. Go to Jill Stein’s fundraiser page and watch the progress. You will see that her funding is coming in at a PERFECTLY CONSISTENT 160,000 an hour. I watched this yesterday and last night carefully, and noted that at night, when everyone is sleeping and right through the time when the whole world slows down, her donations for this came in like clockwork, with no deviation from the steady pace whatsoever. The only way that can happen is if a bot was set up to fake her getting donations from multiple people, and whoever set it up did not consider the fact that practically everything would come from America, and practically everyone is asleep at 3AM. LAST NIGHT IT SHOULD HAVE SLOWED DOWN. IT DID NOT. IT JUST MARCHED RIGHT TOWARD THE FINISH LIKE AN OBEDIENT SOLDIER. It went straight to 2.65 million by six AM. I can calculate: IT WILL GO TO 4.5 MILLION IN 28.125 HOURS. Oh, a few people will pitch in for real, so I’ll say 27 hours . . . . Yes folks, we are watching the election steal as it happens. They could not do it by threatening electors, so now we have this. And it is all based on false claims, because Michigan CANNOT BE HACKED. Michigan has a CERTIFIED [paper] VOTE. There is NO WAY THIS IS LEGIT. And that means ONE THING – there are liars doing it, powerful liars who know in advance they are going to find what they are looking for.”

Yesterday, the Wisconsin Elections Commission said it had received Stein’s petition for a recount.

What you can do:

(1) Spread the news by publicizing this post on social media and via email.

(2) Keep the recount honest by:

  • Volunteering for the recount. Sign up here.

  • Politely warning the election officials in the 3 battleground states that you’ll be watching:

My husband correctly stated that the two months prior to Trump being inaugurated will be very dangerous times.  I must agree with him because the satanic globalism billionaire goons and their minions will NEVER rest until they get their “power” back!

Why Is That?

Next, we have the truth about the death of a horrible dictator – Fidel Castro, yet pansies (like Colin Kaepernick) say the dumbest things!  Why?  He probably doesn’t  know (or, more likely refuses to acknowledge) the decades of suffering under Castro’s tyrannical communist rule!

Why Is That?

Kingsjester’s blog nails it with the truth, once again!

I could go on and on…but my savvy readers here know what’s going on and most of you are aware of the reasons for it.

While reading an article over at WND, I ran across some comments that explain why the globalists, often with differing agendas, unite together for the same cause.

Why Is That?

WND: Fight Over Gay Wedding Cake Given New Life

Now, this news report discusses a case in Northern Ireland. However, the same religious discrimination problems have come up here in the United States.


The infamous Northern Ireland case penalizing a family baking company for refusing to promote “gay” marriage with a wedding cake may have a new life.

WND reported earlier when an appeals court in Belfast refused to offer relief from the penalties for Ashers Bakery in Northern Ireland for violating that nation’s nondiscrimination laws.

And it was reported that the owners were considering taking their fight to the European Court of Human Rights.

But now, according to the Belfast Telegraph, a door has opened.

Senior judges in Belfast say that a section of the Northern Ireland Act 1998 may give the McArther family, which owns Ashers Bakery, a path to the Supreme Court.

“You need to make a decision whether you wish to pursue it,” Judge Declan Morgan told lawyers for the family this week.

David Scoffield QC, for the McArthurs, told the court: “We are happy to look at that and confirm our submissions in writing.”

The Court of Appeal last month affirmed a fine for Ashers for discriminating against Gareth Lee by refusing to make a cake for a “gay” wedding.

The bakers said they didn’t care about, or even know about, his sexual choices, but the message was what their Christian faith would not allow them to promote.

Last year a Belfast County Court ruled the bakery discriminated against Lee on grounds of sexual orientation and religious belief or political opinion. The firm was also ordered to pay £500 compensation.

The family’s representatives explained the rejection of the cake order was solely because of the message that violated their faith – it had nothing to do with Lee himself.

John Larkin, Northern Ireland’s attorney general, backed the McArthurs. He said they should not be forced to endorse a message with which they disagree.

Officials with the Christian Institute, which took part in the fight on behalf of the family, have reported that Larkin also has the option of seeking higher court review, but that was on hold pending the family’s decision.

Simon Calvert, of the Institute, said the family’s representatives had asked the Court of Appeal whether there was any further appeal route available.

Read more at WND

Why Is That?

You may be asking, what does each of these separate incidents have in common?

Well, I think that the following comment thread over at WND explains it quite well:

Tatiana Covington

And this is all about a cake?

nomark to Tatiana Covington

No.  It has nothing to do with a cake.  It has to do with freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the right of religious conscience.


I had once seen a video on my computer of a gay person who wanted to order a cake, with a gay inscription, at a muslim bakery.  The owner had directed him to a different bakery but was not prosecuted for it.  There is nothing fair about globalism and they lean in favor of Islam, as many of us have already witnessed!

nomark to aurora9

The reason for this is Christianity threatens globalism because it puts God first, family second and the state third.  That undermines them.  The reason globalists not only “tolerate” Muslims but in fact encourage them, is the globalists see Islam kinder spirit and global government is using Islam to destroy Christianity.  The globalist adhere to the tenant “the enemy of my enemy is my friend” and so embrace Islam (for now).

Also you can see how they have tried to associate radical Islam with all religions.  It didn’t work, in fact it back-fired, but that was the plan.

Recall HiLIARy Clinton stating that

“And deep-seated cultural codes and religious beliefs and structural biases have to be changed.”


Go listen to the video where you can listen and watch her state this!

I STILL thank God every day that she lost the election!

The question, “Why Is That?” has now been answered.

globalists vs nationalists

Hat tip for graphic: The Common Sense Show

Update.  Since the graphic is blurry and difficult to read, here is what is written.

Progressive, Socialist, Globalism:

  • Radical Socialist Globalism
  • Increase Taxes/Regulations
  • Economy/Jobs Collapse
  • No Wall/ More Illegals/Refugees
  • Amnesty in First 100 Days
  • Domestic Terrorist Embeds
  • More Expensive Obamacare
  • Pro-Trans Pacific Partnership
  • Debt:  20+ Trillion Near Default
  • Email, Benghazi Scandals


American Nationalism:

  • Capitalism
  • Reduce Taxes/Regulations
  • Economy/ Jobs Explode
  • Build Wall/ No Illegals/Refugees
  • No Amnesty/No Free Ride
  • Terrorists Destroyed
  • Repeal Obamacare
  • Anti-Trans Pacific Partnership
  • Debt Eliminated
  • No Scandals


Hat tips:

Fellowship of the Minds

Kingsjester’s blog

Hat tips to all additional links!

O’Keefe’s Project Veritas: Watch! Democrats’ black ops exposed!

October 17, 2016

Apparently, the new Project Veritas video has been released (with more to come) and readers can view it over at WND:
Watch! Democrats’ black ops exposed


O’Keefe’s Project Veritas videos capture rigging of 2016 election


Editor’s Note: Be aware of offensive language throughout video and in quotes from video.

A Democratic operative has been captured on video revealing his agents and cohorts are “starting anarchy” by creating “conflict engagement … in the lines at Trump rallies.”

The stunning statements from Scott Foval, the national field director at Americans United for Change, were captured by James O’Keefe of Project Veritas, who earlier captured comments from Democrats about how common voter fraud is.

He also got Bob Creamer, founder and partner of Democracy Partners, admitting, “I’m not suggesting we wait around, we need to start this s— right away.”

Added Foval, “It doesn’t matter what the friggin legal and ethics people say, we need to win this m—–f—–.”

And Creamer confirmed, “The campaign is fully in it.”

Project Veritas said it is working on a multi-part series that “exposes the dark secrets at the highest levels of the DNC and Clinton presidential campaign.”

Its undercover journalists reveal “key players coordinating clandestine operations in support of Hillary Clinton’s campaign.”

Project Veritas says the actions are “behind-the-scenes shady practices with consequences most Americans have seen on national television at Donald Trump campaign rallies across the country.:

“What the media hasn’t reported is that the Clinton campaign and Democratic National Committee has been directing these activities with, at very best, a very thin veil of plausible deniability.”

Foval said in the video: “The [Clinton] campaign pays DNC, DNC pays Democracy Partners, Democracy Partners pays the Foval Group, The Foval Group goes and executes the s—.

“Democracy Partners is the tip of the spear on that stuff.”

Creamer founded the Democratic consulting firm Democracy Partners and is listed as a partner on the website. He is the husband of Jan Shakowsky, a congresswoman from Chicago. In 2005, he plead guilty to tax violations and bank fraud.

“Wherever Trump and Pence are going to be, we have events and we have a whole team across the country that does that both consultants and people from the Democratic Party,” Creamer told an investigator. “And the Democratic Party apparatus and the people from the campaign, the Clinton campaign and my role with the campaign, is to manage all that.”

campaign and my role with the campaign, is to manage all that.”

Involved in potential “violations of federal campaign coordination laws ” are the Hillary Clinton campaign, Clinton’s Super PAC Priorities USA and the Democratic National Committee, said Project Veritas.

“The thing that we have to watch, is making sure there is a double blind between the actual campaign and the actual DNC and what we’re doing,” explained Foval.


Read more at Watch! Democrats’ black ops exposed.


Note:  Scroll down at that link to view 2 more videos.  Again, be advised that there is offensive language!



~ Christine

In Order to Control Us the Gov’t Seeks to Divide Us

September 29, 2016

Words of warning, concern and truth have been shared by Teo Bear over at The website. He has written about several scenarios that many Americans  now see happening regarding the globalists in government vs. We The People.

I’m not sure if the “terms and conditions” of linking to the article include the ability to excerpt here, so please go to the link and read it all.

One sentence that I utilized from the text for the title of this post is this one:

“The government in order to control us seeks to divide us.”

Just one example is the fact that evil leftist/communist George Soros is financing the BLM movement. Otherwise, how would so many non-residents get to the various locations to protest? Also see: Soros Directly Funds BLM to Riot Against Police in Charlotte

We have seen such actions at an exponential rate over the past 7+ years under the horrible governance of Barack Hussein Obama and his Badministration; which included HiLIARy Clinton – the worst politician and Secretary of State ever!

If you are lead and encouraged to do so, please share your thoughts in the comment section.


Rom 12:21

Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.


Hat tip:

The This will be my last post.

Hat tips to all links.

Rumors Gone Wild

September 13, 2016

By now everyone in America has seen the video of Hillary Clinton stiffening up and then collapsing forward as she was helped into a van so that she could be whisked away to an emergency medical facility…err…make that Chelsea’s apartment.

So now the rumors begin!

But wait…first we were told that Clinton had allergies, and that was the reason for her long coughing fits.  Then, we were told that she has pneumonia, but was diagnosed with it on the Friday before the 9/11/16 collapse she endured at the memorial ceremony.

Then, 90 minutes later, she emerges, alone, from Chelsea’s N.Y. apartment.  She states that she is “feeling fine” and that “it’s a wonderful day in New York.”  [A bit strange for her to say on the 15th anniversary of the horrific terrorist attack that killed close to 3,000 Americans on 9/11/01!]

She then walked towards a young girl, says something to her and then poses for a picture with her.  I guess that type if pneumonia isn’t the contagious kind?  Hmmm… asks the question: Did Hillary hire a body double? How did she lose all that weight?

There is an 8 minute video (at above link)  of a man offering a “front door challenge,” claiming that the woman who emerged from Chelsea’s apartment 90 minutes later was shorter than Hillary Clinton.


Then, there are photos being posted showing all kinds of “differences” between 68 year old Clinton, and the supposed “body double” who emerged from Chelsea’s apartment. Here are just a few links about that: Rumors gone wild: Hillary Clinton had body double sent in after fainting spell shows “the ring finger proves a body double left the apartment building.”

What? Can’t Hillary change her ring after experiencing a medical emergency just 90 minutes ago? Sheesh…what goes on in people’s minds? Anything for a conspiracy theory to take hold, I guess!

Oh…but wait…it’s the left hand. Isn’t that where the wedding ring goes? Ah…nothing to see here!

The Gutter Trash blog (now THAT’S an apropos name for a conspiracy theory site!) goes WAY off the rails claiming that there are several Clinton “body doubles”!

Gutter Trash lays it on thick. They make the following claim:

Also, all through her 2016 campaign, Clinton has always been surrounded by an entourage. The majority of the entourage that are attached to Clinton are members of the Secret Service. No agents are seen with Clinton as she exits the apartment building. The following picture shows the potential body double without any of her entourage around her. When have you ever seen Hillary Clinton with no one around her?

Conspiracy theorists are stating that there is no need to protect this person because she is a body double. Would the Secret Service allow Clinton to be alone after what happened earlier in the day? Many people say no and that this body double was used to make it difficult for her health issues to be brought up during the remaining weeks of the 2016 campaign.

GT also ridiculously contends:

How many women change the shoulder they hang their purse from?

Answer:  I do!  Especially when my right shoulder gets tired from the weight.  But since I have been using a cross body bag,  I still have my purse where I want it!  Genius…huh?

Oh people…just leave the poor woman alone.  Let’s hope that she recovers and gets on that debate stage with Donald Trump.

Hat tips to all links.

P.S.  An actress named Teresa Barnwell has made a career out of impersonating Hillary Clinton.  Here are a few comparison photos.

In their younger years (about 8 years difference in age – Hillary is older) they did look alike!

Here…not so much but a passing resemblance.

Quite a weight difference here.

Hmmm….Are those different blue sunglasses on the 8:45 a.m. Hillary photo vs. the 2:00 p.m. Hillary photo?


“If it weren’t for my TV, I wouldn’t know what is real…one more step away.” – Brandon Heath, “Leaving Eden.”

Global Puppet Master Soros Funds BLM Movement

August 17, 2016

I have written about the evil man known as George Soros in the past. See my list of posts HERE.  If readers are not familiar with Soros, please read all about him at this Commieblaster indexed link!

The following information from Now The End Begins reveals Soros-satan as the real power behind the “black lives matter” movement.


George Soros’s funding of the Black Lives Matter movement is part of an integration into a tapestry of organizations used to disrupt and weaken our society to engineer a socialistic transformation. Since the 1920s and 1930s, as presented in Harold Cruse’s book “The Crisis of The Negro Intellectual,” there has been a focused strategy by the Communist party to use the black community and the poor as a battering ram against “the system” for the purpose of fundamentally changing America into a leftist utopia. Their successful efforts in infiltrating the civil rights movement and other legitimate struggles for justice has been well-documented by many historians and scholars recording the history of the civil rights movement in America.

There is an example of how this co-optation has played out in recent history that demonstrates how the left uses black and poor communities to advance their agenda. George Wiley, who was an agent of Richard Cloward and Frances Piven, Marxist professors at Columbia University, formed a group called the “National Welfare Rights Movement” in 1969. This leftist organization exploited the poor with a plan to implement a socialistic strategy to overwhelm New York City’s welfare system. Cloward and Piven’s strategy to orchestrate crisis is evident in the tactics now employed by the BLM movement. Organizers and leaders of BLM are using the same playbook and strategy of George Wiley to advance their Marxist agenda in the public square today. This disruptive strategy is precisely the predominant influence manifesting itself in the “Black Lives Matter” movement across America. BLM is being aggressively manipulated by the left with funds from Soros in order to force a radical change in how local policing is done in America. Through overreach and the expansion of centralized systems controlled by Washington, D.C., the left is attempting to control local policing. This evil manipulation of black and poor communities is a common strategy that has been used successfully in the 70s, 80s, and 90s to advance their ultimate goal of “fundamentally transforming” America.

David Horowitz in his book “Breaking The System” writes that “the left’s strategy called for a cadres of aggressive organizers to create street actions by the poor that would create a climate of militancy.” This “cadres of aggressive” community organizers are studied in two ideas, one developed by Saul Alinsky in his book “Rules for Radicals,” and other by Richard Cloward and Frances Piven in their now famous philosophy called “Crisis Strategy.” Horowitz suggested that climate of militancy will cause fear of racial violence which will pressure politicians to cave in to the demands set forth by the leftist who are leading these movements. These community organizers who are prominently positioned in the Black Lives Matters movement are committed disciples of Cloward and Piven and Saul Alinsky.

What we are witnessing in the BLM movement in simple terms are the deliberate efforts by the liberal progressives in America under the influence of Marxism to infiltrate and manipulate the black community. What’s behind their dastardly plan is to replace capitalism with socialism and to ultimately remove the influence of our Judeo-Christian heritage from the public square. These “aggressive community organizers” are fanning the flames of discontentment. By co-opting a legitimate issue related to stranded relationship between the community, local police,and police intimidation, they are using discontentment to advance their agenda. They are stirring passions into “a climate of militancy” and at the same time alienating race relationship in America.

The old adage “divide and conquer” is playing out right before our collective eyes. The plan is a simple one — weaken America and then change her. The leadership of BLM is fully aware of this scheme; however, the average participants (the foot soldier) in the movement are oblivious to this highly sophisticated, exploitive, and manipulative strategy.

The concern for the community is not the motivating reason why these Marxists are involved in this movement. The leaders of the BLM movement are careful to maintain a narrative that is devoid of the major issues adversely impacting black communities all over this country. High unemployment, gang crime, black-on-black homicide, the failure of government schools to prepare our children for a 21st century economy, and the number one killer of black people: abortion on demand. It is disheartening to see how leadership in the BLM movement have bought into this Marxist deception and refuse to address these issues, especially abortion and its devastating impact on our babies and women. Black Lives Matter’s refusal to confront the biggest provider of abortion in the black community that perpetrates the mass murder of our babies, — Planned Parenthood and its partners in death the abortion industry — is very telling about their concern for the community. These merchants of death have destroyed over 35 million black babies since 1973 and have psychologically scared thousands upon thousands of black women for profit. More black babies are aborted than any other ethnic group in America. And what’s not reported to the black community is that when we hear of Planned Parenthood selling baby parts for profit, most of those babies are our black babies! Where is the outrage from these so called leaders?

The socialists and Marxists leading BLM are unconcerned with these very real issues in our community. The refusal to address what has been historically and empirically documented as a eugenic plot to demographically demolish black and minority communities (abortion) across this globe is simply unacceptable. In addition, I find it hard to be believe the systematic dismantling of the black family through government overreach and nanny state intrusion into our families escape their notice.

That Marxist manipulators who lead the Black Lives Matter movement seem more than happy to take funding from the likes of George Soros and betray the best interest of our community in order to achieve their desire to divide and conquer our beloved nation is nothing short of evil.


Read it all HERE.

Please share this information with everyone you know!

Hat tip: Now The End Begins and all links.

What Political Correctness Really Means

July 11, 2016

When someone like Rudy Giuliani speaks truth, the “politically correct” crowd jumps into action to criticize him and attempt to shut him up.

Video: Giuliani: Black Lives Matter instigates hatred, division.

Recall when Martin O’Malley (a Democrat BTW) stated that “all lives matter,” but then had to backtrack and apologize for saying that? Just shows that when Dems do not keep to the current “politically correct” meme, they will ALSO be verbally attacked and forced to apologize. Former VA AG went a little further. He stated that the “Black Lives Matter” slogan suggests ‘Black Lives matter more than everybody else.’

So…what happens when a black woman shares the “all lives matter” sentiment? Girlfriend of Black Man Shot Dead by Police: Diamond ‘Lavish’ Reynolds “All Lives Matter”


“Not black lives matter – all lives matter – every single life out here matters, no matter the color, the race, the nationality, we all deserve to be heard,” she added.

Reynolds’ use of the phrase “all lives matter” is interesting given that ‘Black Lives Matter’ leaders have repeatedly claimed that the term represents a disparaging racial remark.

Back in February, Black Lives Matter co-founder Marissa Jenae Johnson told Fox News’ John Roberts that the phrase “all lives matter” is a “new racial slur”.

Leftist commentators have also repeatedly insisted that saying “all lives matter” is racist. Just today, writer Rachel Lewis asserted that, “when you say #AllLivesMatter, whether you mean to or not, you’re being racist.”

Uh oh…Ms. Reynolds isn’t holding to the proper meme either! What happens now?

The following congresswoman is holding to the proper meme when she adamantly states:

Stop Saying “Black Lives Matter” When Black Babies Die in Abortions.

Ahhh…NOW we see why it is “politically incorrect” to say that “all lives matter!” Apply the rights of unborn babies (blacks, or otherwise) to the “All Lives Matter” meme and THAT’S a huge no-no! To take it even further, according to the woman in the following article, it’s actually “racist” to say so!

Do Unborn Black Lives Matter? Pro-Life Billboard Called Racist.


An Atlanta women’s group is demanding that a Minnesota based “Pro Life Across America” billboard ad mourning the loss of untold numbers of black babies to abortion each year be removed from a black neighborhood last week because they say the ad is racist.

Nikema Williams, spokesman for Planned Parenthood, said the ad, which reads “Dad’s Princess” next to the picture of a black baby girl, is just an attempt by the pro-life organization to shame women and their choices.

Hmmm….”shame women and their choices.” What about the FUTURE WOMEN IN THE WOMB (and future men, of course) whose lives are snuffed out because of the convenience of the women who doesn’t want them? Where is the “choice” of the babies in the womb?

Speaking of choice…I like the slogan, “CHOOSE LIFE…YOU’RE MOTHER DID.”

Second excerpt:

According to abortion statistics published in The Washington Times earlier this year, 139,539 black babies were aborted in 2010 – that latest year of numbers available.

And even though the overall abortion rate across the country has dropped in recent years, the CDC reported in 2010 that black women continue to have the highest abortion rate of any ethnic group, with a gruesome 483 abortions for every 1,000 live births – almost a third!

If the government were to impose this abortions rate on black Americans or any race group for that matter, critics would call it genocide.

Pro Life Across America, a non-profit, non-partisan organization which calls itself “The Billboard People” says it has billboards in 44 states and across Canada and is supported solely by donations from supporters.

A few days ago, my husband shared an eRumor about something that Harry S. Truman wrote in an alleged famed telegram chain between MacArthur and Truman.


President Truman did not explain political correctness to General MacArthur in a series of telegraphs.

The chain email claims General MacArthur had never heard of the term “politically correct” and that President Truman had to explain it to him just before Japan’s World War II surrender in 1945.

But the Harry S. Truman Library & Museum told that those correspondences “do not exist in the library’s holdings.”

The library spokesperson also added that the chain email got Chester Nimitz’s middle initial wrong. It’s Admiral Chester W. Nimitz, not C.H. Nimitz.

The chain email doesn’t make sense when it comes to other historical details as well.

The earliest use of the term “politically correct” came in 1936, according to Merriam-Webster:

“Full Definition of POLITICALLY CORRECT:  conforming to a belief that language and practices which could offend political sensibilities (as in matters of sex or race) should be eliminated.”

Well…whoever thought up the following definition of “political correctness” certainly describes it much better!

Political Correctness is a doctrine, recently fostered by a delusional, illogical minority and promoted by a sick mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of sh*t by the clean end!

We are living in a terribly perverse time in history.




willfully determined or disposed to go counter to what is expected or desired; contrary.


characterized by or proceeding from such a determination or disposition:

a perverse mood.


wayward or cantankerous.


persistent or obstinate in what is wrong.


turned away from or rejecting what is right, good, or proper; wicked or corrupt.


Examples of perverseness are too numerous to list.  Just watch the news for a week and see how large your list would grow!

The Bible has a lot to say about being perverse:


Pro 28:18

Whoever walks blamelessly will be saved,
But he who is perverse in his ways will suddenly fall.

Deu 32:5

“They have corrupted themselves;
They are not His children,
Because of their blemish:
A perverse and crooked generation.


Psa 101:4

A perverse heart shall depart from me;
I will not know wickedness.

Pro 11:20

Those who are of a perverse heart are an abomination to the LORD,
But the blameless in their ways are His delight.

Pro 12:8

A man will be commended according to his wisdom,
But he who is of a perverse heart will be despised.

Pro 14:2

He who walks in his uprightness fears the LORD,
But he who is perverse in his ways despises Him.

Pro 16:28

A perverse man sows strife,
And a whisperer separates the best of friends.

Pro 21:8

The way of a guilty man is perverse;[fn]
But as for the pure, his work is right.

Mat 17:17

Then Jesus answered and said, “O faithless and perverse generation, how long shall I be with you? How long shall I bear with you? Bring him here to Me.”

Act 2:40

And with many other words he testified and exhorted them, saying, “Be saved from this perverse generation.”

Phl 2:14

Do all things without complaining and disputing,

Phl 2:15

that you may become blameless and harmless, children of God without fault in the midst of a crooked and perverse generation, among whom you shine as lights in the world,

Phl 2:16

holding fast the word of life, so that I may rejoice in the day of Christ that I have not run in vain or labored in vain.

Hat tips to all links.

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