Posts Tagged ‘scotus’

The Alarming Prosecutions Against Donald J. Trump

March 9, 2024

One of my great friends texted me with concerns about all of these lawsuits filed against President Donald J. Trump. Will this result in bankruptcy for him or jail time?

I’m not a lawyer, so I’ll admit that I can’t be sure about my answer to that question. However, I found the following discussion on Truth Social can give us hope about the final outcome in these (what I consider bogus) cases against him.

Here’s a reminder about some of what Trump accomplished for us:

Here’s the discussion, and 👇🏻 This gives me hope that Trump’s cases will be dismissed!

”The Establishment and its cronies nearly lost their minds when SCOTUS delivered a 9-0 ruling on the Colorado ballot case yesterday. Outrage was also seen when SCOTUS agreed to hear oral arguments on the Immunity case. This upcoming case is going to bring down the house on the left’s use of warfare in the political realm as it will be one of the most monumental rulings in our nation’s history. Not to mention, it will have a major impact on EVERY pending case they have against Trump, bringing the political persecution cases to an end.

I’m not anticipating another 9-0 ruling, but another win is on the horizon…The Storm is Coming…

#RatPack #RPN #PHPnews


Yup 👍 The Supreme Court upheld Our U.S. Constitution to end this insane erroneous legal persecution , feigning prosecution of a legitimate winning candidate . I was happy to see the strength of the separation of powers maintaining lanes of all 3 branches to function appropriately . Now let’s save Our Constitutional Republic by re-electing President Trump in an overwhelmingly landslide . 🙏👍❤️🇺🇸



The problem lies in the framing. As I understand it (and I could well be wrong) the court is under the impression that Trump is demanding absolute immunity. Not sure if this is a faulty presentation by Trumps team, or misinterpretation by SCOTUS… but I’ve heard reports that the court abhors the thought of rubber stamping “above the law”. Trumps team may be asking the court to leave it to congressional impeachment for actual crime committed as president. I’m not sure of the nuts and bolts of the case as argued. It may well be that Trump ISNT asking for absolute immunity, it’s ass-hat justices painting it that way. But IMHO that is what this case hinges on. Actions vs policy decisions.



It’s possible that Trump wants SCOTUS to rule against him on this case, since it would then have a boomerang effect on the nefarious activities of past Presidents that might currently be veiled behind this Presidential Immunity act. Trump is safe no matter what happens since he is innocent of their claims, IMHO.



Yes, absolute immunity is needed. I’m not talking about the president of United States, committing a heinous crime like strangling somebody in the White House in WH , which would be murder. I’m talking about using the government and presidential powers to carry out certain situations , If there is not absolute immunity, every president would be guilty of crimes.



That’s what I was getting at… Confusion (perhaps intentional) over the definition of “absolute immunity”… which is being framed as “get away with murder”.



Please feel free to share your thoughts, comments & questions in the comment section.

~ Christine 🙏🏻👏🏻🇺🇸

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