Posts Tagged ‘Save America’

The only solution to today’s nonstop lying by Gov’t, Big Tech and Big Media

May 29, 2024

Dear Readers,

The following is an email that tells the truth! It shares what we are up against by the current, often evil-spewing media of mass deception, and all the culprits in government (including the presidential, legislative, and judicial branches) who want to rule over us, rather than allowing us to be (as our pledge of allegiance states) “one nation under God, with liberty and justice for all.” Read it and weep 😪 for the current state of our nation, and send up some prayers 🙏🏻✝️📖 that the evil deep state will be defeated, and that sanity, goodness, mercy & grace will once again come alive in our beloved United States of America! 🙏🏻🇺🇸

Our first President warned us:

In Christ,



How to defeat the power-mad lunatics now destroying America
Joseph Farah on neutralizing the wild Marxist revolution ravaging ‘the land of the free’
Dear friend of WND, 

As you of course know, America is currently being ripped apart, courtesy of the totally malevolent Biden administration. It’s breathtaking. 

I mean, we’ve got a full-scale foreign invasion of our country – complete with terrorists, gang members, drug dealers, human traffickers and legions of young military-aged males from China – all streaming nonstop across our southern border. And all with the blessing of Team Biden. 

Our precious kids are being brainwashed virtually from birth – from demonic “drag queen story hour” events for toddlers, to an ever-more-corrupt “public education” system (complete with all those new “After School Satan Clubs”). And then there are the deranged and predatory social media “influencers” intent on seducing and grooming our children and grandchildren into transgender madness. And the uncontrolled importation of illegal fentanyl into America that killed over 112,000 of us just last year – the largest cause of death of younger Americans. 

Meanwhile, Donald J. Trump – who as president of the United States restored this nation’s economy, gave us super-low inflation and energy independence, brought unemployment to historic lows, took border enforcement seriously, supported and rebuilt our military while keeping America out of war, and right now represents the single best – and only – prospect for reversing our nation’s disastrous trajectory – is facing no fewer than 100 criminal charges against him. All concocted by nakedly corrupt, “get-Trump,” blue-state attorney generals, prosecutors and judges. This desperate mass lawfare campaign on the part of the “Deep State” against Trump is intended to send the 45th president to prison for the rest of his life and prevent him from returning to the White House, which – horrors! – just might enable America to return to sanity, prosperity, peace and happiness once again! 

Now, friends, I have a question for you: Who or what do you think is the most responsible for all of this madness descending on America? 

Yes, of course we can blame Biden and Obama and all the other power-mad sociopathic politicians … and the crazed LGBT revolutionaries … and the violent far-left activists … and the soulless Mexican drug cartels … and Communist China … and Big Tech … and George Soros’s money … and on and on. 

But evil and insane people have always existed. Even when America was the most prosperous, successful, courageous and Christian nation in history, the world was still full of corrupt and crazy people everywhere. After all, most other parts of the world, then and now, have existed under various forms of corrupt government or outright brutal dictatorship. 

No, the ultimate culprit – the biggest reason these now-ubiquitous forces of darkness have been able to grow so wildly and unrestrained in once-Christian America – is the NEWS MEDIA. 

So-called journalism organizations, whose one and only job is to seek out and honestly and boldly report the truth, night and day, have betrayed Americans’ trust. As Thomas Jefferson famously warned the young American republic, “The only security of all is in a FREE PRESS.” Without knowing the truth, people can never be free, and sooner or later fall into slavery of one sort or another. The Bible tells us this over and over, and our lives prove it. 

Yet most of today’s news media just pretend to be professional truth-tellers, virtually the definition of a real journalist. Today’s “journalists” consist almost entirely of servile, craven propagandists for the power elite they serve and grovel before, exactly like the “news” organizations Pravda (which means “Truth” in Russian) and Izvestia (which means “News”) were in the former U.S.S.R. 

You may remember the famous joke the suffering common people told each other in the Soviet Union during communism’s heyday: “There is no truth in Pravda, and there is no news in Izvestia!” The exact same can be said about most of the press in today’s America, where “mainstream media” journalists and organizations have become nothing more than lying propaganda mouthpieces for the ruling class, where power, privilege, wealth and control are everything … and the common folk (“the rabble,” as the elites have traditionally referred to them) count for little or nothing. 

Friends, the only solution to America’s desperate condition, wherein so many are drowning in lies of every sort, is TRUTH. Most of the horrors that have descended upon America would soon lessen, and ultimately disappear, if the major media were boldly reporting the truth every single day from morning to night. 

When I founded WorldNetDaily back in 1997 as America’s first independent online journalism company, we adopted the motto, “A Free Press for a Free People.” Jefferson was right: Without a free press, Americans CANNOT be a free people. Without truth, too many people – especially the next generation – are easily seduced into adopting seductive lies as “their truth.” 

Therefore, I’m asking you to please help WND, now in its 28th consecutive year of 24/7 news reporting. As you know, we have been hit very, very hard for reporting truthfully. I won’t detail all the ways here – except to mention that Google, besides totally demonetizing WND, took the extraordinary step of actually blackballing us worldwide for 11 days, warning every person who attempted to reach WND via Google that ours is a “dangerous” website that “could harm their computer.” That was insane, of course, and Google itself finally relented after it became obvious to everyone – even Google – that there was no way WND could harm readers’ computers! But it still hurt us in many ways. 

Since Big Tech, colluding with the Deep State, basically succeeded in destroying the traditional advertising model on which we (like most other online news organizations) have long relied to sustain us financially, we’ve restructured our enterprise and transitioned over to a nonprofit model, creating a sister organization, the IRS-approved 501(c)3 nonprofit journalism charity, the WND News Center. (Like other journalism nonprofits, WND News Center content is made available for other qualified and approved news outlets to republish.) 

Bottom line, what this change means is that we now rely on a much more noble and reliable source for our financial support – and that’s you, our loyal readers and supporters.

We would be grateful, honored and humbled if you chose to help us once again to keep alive Jefferson’s hope of a free press – an absolute requisite for a free country – by continuing to support us with your tax-deductible donations. 

Please join with us by making a generous tax-deductible donation to the nonprofit WND News Center. If you prefer to donate by mail, please make your check out to “WND News Center” and mail it to: WND News Center, 2020 Pennsylvania Ave, NW, #351, Washington, D.C. 20006.

Thank you so much for your past generosity, and for helping us in any way you are now moved to. And may the Good Lord bless and keep you and yours! 

Joseph Farah
Founder and Chief Executive Officer,
President, WND News Center

R.E.M. – “It’s The End Of The World As We Know It.” Watch & listen to video, then hear President Trump’s epic response! *Update!* Bronx Rally & Memes added! 😊

May 23, 2024
H/T: Scotty Films on Rumble 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️❤️🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Bronx, NY Trump rally! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

Here’s another great one!

Oh look! It’s AOC! 😂


Voters Waking Up and Seeing the Truth!

May 15, 2024

It took a while…in fact, it took years for millions more voters here in America to FINALLY wake up and see the truth! That NJ rally was an epic moment in time that showed how many voters now realize and see the huge amount of criminality going on, and the tyranny being used by some who are evil and want to see our beloved United States of America fail. ☹️😠. Thank you, President Donald J. Trump for enduring through all of this obvious tyranny! You, and all who are working with you, will Save America and we can never thank you enough! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🙏🏻😊

H/T: Dan Scavino for photos

”Sometimes, You Can’t Just Tell The People…You Need To Show Them.”

March 22, 2024

That is exactly what has been going on over the past 7+ years, and is still being revealed each month, week, and day!

Memes over at Truth Social help to inform We The People about the truth of any given situation, while the media of mass deception tries to block, not even report it, or simply lie to destroy such truth. Here’s a few examples:

H/T: @ChiefJimmy on Truth Social


Any readers here see or hear that on the TV media of mass deception news? Probably not! They want to take a made up narrative and report it as if they’ve telling the public the truth. But are they? We got rid of cable months ago, so I only see clips of some reports on social media. We all need discernment- especially at this critical juncture in time- because it’s important to find and share the truth, while rejecting the lies!

It’s about damn time that an attorney/law professor SPEAKS OUT on this blatant injustice that is being perpetrated on a man who has done nothing but FIGHT FOR ALL OF US!!! Thank you, @realDonaldTrump, for risking it all for us!!

Disbar Every One Of Them


H/T: @StephScolaro on TS

Some may ask, “why wait so long?”

I’m thinking it all has to be done according to law for the good side!

H/T: @ChiefJimmy on TS

What about the horrible border invasion?

“Twitter Files” Reporter Matt Taibbi Uncovers Plot To Stop Trump, Democracy Be Damned

January 31, 2024

Wow!!! This is THE best and most accurate essay that describes exactly what is going on, and the evil tyrants responsible for the ongoing carnage that they are doing to our beloved United States of America! 😠☹️.

It is my hope and prayer that these TRAITORS do not EVER succeed with their terrible intentions to destroy our Constitutional Republic! Although this claim is used all the time by democrats, our country is NOT a “democracy” and never has been or should be! Our Founders gave America the title of our nation being a Republic! Benjamin Franklin famously answered a person’s question, “what form of government have you given us, sir”… with this famous answer – “A Republic, if you can keep it.”

Every American must answer the question, “do YOU want to keep America 🇺🇸 as a Republic?”

Read this excellent essay! Then, share it with everyone you can!

Prayers 🙏🏻 for our Nation! 🇺🇸

~ Christine ✝️📖🤲🇺🇸❤️

Copy of post:

The Association of Mature American Citizens Logo

“Twitter Files” Reporter Matt Taibbi Uncovers Plot To Stop Trump, Democracy Be Damned 

Posted on Monday, January 29, 2024

by AMAC Newsline


AMAC Exclusive – By Shane Harris

In a pair of articles on his Racket News website, “Twitter Files” reporter Matt Taibbi uncovers corrupt, systematic, and longstanding efforts by leading Democrats to stop the election of Donald J. Trump in 2024 or, at a minimum, cripple his presidency before it can get off the ground.

Taibbi, who, it should be noted, was once a darling of the progressive left while working as a columnist for the New York Press and Rolling Stone, has in recent years become one of the left’s top critics as an independent investigative journalist. He and fellow disaffected liberal Michael Shellenberger have broken major stories about the federal government’s involvement in online censorship on issues like pandemic lockdown policies and the 2020 election as part of their “Twitter Files” coverage, and Taibbi has become a leading detractor of the corporate media and the political establishment in both parties.

In his most recent work, a 4,200 word article that should have every American citizen concerned about the future of free and fair elections in the United States, Taibbi writes, “The 2024 presidential race increasingly looks like it will be decided by lawyers, not voters, as Democrats unveil plans for America’s first lawfare election… To ‘protect democracy,’ democracy is already being canceled. We just haven’t admitted the implications of this to ourselves yet.”

As Taibbi outlines, the Democrat establishment is already engaged in a systematic effort to ensure that Biden remains in the White House beyond 2024. One part of this effort is the series of lawsuits in a number of states to remove Trump from the ballot. Another is ensuring that Biden has no serious primary threat – something which has, according to Taibbi’s sources, been accomplished through threatening would-be challengers.

Meanwhile, the corporate media has launched a propaganda campaign to convince the American people that Trump would be a “dictator” were he to win this fall. Mainstream pundits and journalists have in unison begun hammering the line that Trump is an “existential threat to democracy” and suggesting that Trump would use the military to go after his personal enemies.

Most chillingly, as Taibbi describes, we’ve seen this same sort of effort before. As he relays and as many major news outlets reported in the months leading up to the 2020 election, a group called the “Transition Integrity Project” (TIP) – comprised of top power players in Democrat circles like current Secretary of Energy Jennifer Granholm and Hillary Clinton campaign manager John Podesta, as well as nominal “conservatives” who had become anti-Trump fanatics – had gathered to “wargame” contested election scenarios.

TIP participants were ostensibly concerned about Trump refusing to leave office if Biden won. But as Taibbi writes, the final TIP report on the election, published on August 3, 2020, “read like a year by year synopsis” of every Democrat effort to overturn Trump’s 2016 election victory, undermine his presidency, and now prevent his return to the White House.

For instance, TIP participants feared that Trump would “launch investigations into opponents” – which is exactly what Biden and Democrats are doing now to Trump. The TIP report also alleged that Trump would “use Department of Justice and/or the intelligence agencies to cast doubt on election results or discredit his opponents” – exactly what the Clinton campaign and the Democrat establishment attempted to do in 2016 with the infamous Steele Dossier and Russia Collusion Hoax.

One TIP simulation even predicted “that Trump would contrive to label Biden supporters guilty of ‘insurrection’ for protesting a ‘clear Trump win.’” Now, of course, we’ve seen a direct reversal of that prediction as Biden and Democrats have labeled Trump and every one of his supporters “insurrectionists” and made “protecting democracy” the main theme of their 2024 campaign.

TIP participants allege that all their 2020 scheming was just an effort to be prepared for anything, rather than an explicit plot to prevent a second Trump term even in the event of a clear Trump victory. (It’s worth noting here that none of the TIP “wargames” or scenarios were ever intended to be made public – it was only after a series of embarrassing leaks that the group decided to release their full report in an attempt to save face that largely backfired.)

But as Taibbi argues, even if one accepts these supposedly well-intentioned motivations, the fact that these high-profile power players on the left even felt the need to form a group like TIP provides an alarming look into the psyche of the modern Democrat Party. It is an indication of the fact that the left feels completely justified usurping the democratic will of the American people in order to “save democracy.”

“The grim reality of Campaign 2024,” Taibbi writes, “is that both sides appear convinced the other will violate “norms” first, with Democrats in particular seeming to believe extreme advance action is needed to head off a Trump dictatorship.”

Taibbi’s lengthy conclusion is worth quoting in its entirety:

“Many who couldn’t stand Trump, would never vote for him, and have been willing consumers of the awesome amount of propaganda published on the Trump subject, now need to face the fact that they’ve been had. Transformed into the avatar of all bad things — a crude domestic combo platter of Saddam, Milosevic, Assad, and Putin — this vision of the über-villain, Trump, has been used to distract mass audiences from the erosion of “norms” at home. “Protecting democracy” in the Trump context will be remembered as having served the same purpose as Saddam’s mythical WMDs, the shots fired in the Gulf of Tonkin, or Gaddafi’s fictional Viagra-enhanced army. Those were carefully crafted political lies, used to rally the public behind illegal campaigns of preemption. Voters, by voting, “protect democracy.” A politician who claims to be doing the job for us is up to something. The group in the current White House is trying to steal for themselves a word that belongs to you. Don’t let them.”

In a second article published shortly after the TIP exposé, Taibbi makes the case that Democrats’ efforts to boot Trump off the ballot are merely the culmination of a decades-long willingness by Democrat elites to subvert democracy in order to consolidate their own political power.

As he relays, Democrats employed lawfare back in 2004 to sink insurgent third-party candidate Ralph Nader, devoting millions in spurious lawsuits to keep him off the ballot in competitive states – denying voters the basic right to choose their own leaders in the process.

“Twenty years and multiple political upheavals later, the Democrats are taking the sabotage game it played in 2004 up a notch or ten,” Taibbi writes, pointing to how the Democrat establishment has declared the New Hampshire Democratic primary “non-compliant” and outright canceled the Florida Democratic primary in an effort to thwart potential Biden primary challengers and deny voters the chance to choose someone else as the Democrat nominee.

This, Taibbi argues, is again indicative of how Democrats – as well as the pre-Trump GOP establishment – view democracy: not as an indispensable part of our governing system, but rather a pesky obstacle to be overcome. The Washington political class “reordered the geography of the world, blithely moved whole manufacturing sectors from one continent to another, started moronic wars that pointlessly killed millions and created millions more refugees, bailed out corrupt banks while whole regions went into foreclosure, and failed to accomplish much but a growing sense of foreboding and decline despite decades of promises to the contrary.”

Yet despite all this chaos, tragedy, and failure, “they feel sincere rage at the idea that they should have to earn votes.”

Trump’s victory in 2016 was a major blow to this corrupt system – which is exactly why Democrats are now working so hard to ensure Trump doesn’t have the opportunity for a repeat performance in 2024. But exposing the left’s schemes, as Taibbi attempts to do, is a first crucial step to stopping them.

Shane Harris is a writer and political consultant from Southwest Ohio. You can follow him on Twitter @ShaneHarris513.

Huge Hat Tip: AMAC USA 🇺🇸

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