Archive for January, 2021

NASA discovers unexplained light; finding an answer in Genesis

January 17, 2021

How intriguing is this?!

“ About a month before the great December conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, NASA researchers announced a separate, unexpected discovery: evidence of light in deep space without an explainable source. After studying photographs taken by the New Horizons space probe, which is now 4 billion miles away but still beaming footage to Earth, NASA came across an unexplained “glow.” It was in areas particularly distant from the known sources of light, such as stars and galaxies, and from sources of reflected light, such as dust particles. In fact, one astronomer told NPR that the amount of unexplained light was about equal to the light coming from sources they could identify.

The NPR article described the “problem” this creates for scientists: “… for 400 years, astronomers have been studying visible light and the sky in a serious way and yet somehow apparently ‘missed half the light in the universe.’” The choice astronomers face is either to double-down on the known explanations for light or be open to new ones.

I’m no astronomer, of course, and I certainly won’t pretend to know more than those who’ve dedicated their lives to studying the heavens. However, it’s worth mentioning that an additional explanation for light is found in Genesis. If the testimony of Scripture is, like science, considered an actual source of knowledge, rather than a book of religious metaphors and self-help, light was the first thing created by God, in order to form and fill an earth that was “formless and empty.” Maybe knowing that light preceded existing physical objects points to a different explanation for those especially empty corners of the sky that seem to mysteriously “glow.”

HT :

Overcoming a Corrupt World

January 17, 2021

The Miracle…Voices Will Be Heard

January 16, 2021

“I woke up at the moment when the miracle occurred…

The most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.

[Chorus 1]
I woke up at the moment when the miracle occurred
Heard a song that made some sense out of the world
Everything I ever lost, now has been returned
The most beautiful sound I’d ever heard.

Must See Video About Jan. 6th & More!

January 10, 2021

The YouTube social media police have taken the video down.
Why are we not surprised?
Before you exit, please read the comment section of this post!
You may be very inspired!
You may learn something new!
You will see the power of prophecy!
In two or more days, you will see God’s Hand on our nation and how things are not lost in our nation – but that our nation will be restored (especially after all the pain experienced this past year)!

Things will change soon! Stay tuned!

This video (no longer available because of the YouTube big tech dictators) will (would have) shared the truth about what really happened and who the perpetrators were at the Capitol building on January 6th! Much more information (would have been learned) as well!

Don’t lose heart, my friends! Keep the faith!

So True!

January 7, 2021

Thanks to Kevin Sorbo for this very wise observation of truth!
Hat tip: Mad Medic

It was Antifa!

January 6, 2021

Geri Ungurean has a post up at her blog that reveals who the perps were rioting, firebombing and breaking into the Capitol building today – and they were NOT Trump supporters! Please see this post ( includes photos) and share it with others!


Democrats Claim That Contesting a Rigged Election is “Treason” and “Sedition”…The Very Things They Have Doing for 4 Years…Irony is Embarrassed

January 3, 2021

For those who have been ignoring the truth regarding all of the evidence of election fraud perpetrated against President Trump and his re-election campaign, go read what you’ve been missing!

Kingsjester's Blog

The following is an excellent article written by Michael Dorstewitz, posted on

Each time a member of the big media reports on someone referring to acts of fraud or even irregularities in the Nov. 3 presidential election, they describe them as “baseless claims” or “unproven.”

Such words are included in almost every wire story since election day published by the Associated Press, Reuters, Bloomberg, and others.

Actually, there are many examples of vote fraud that took place during the 2020 election, and serious evidence of voting irregularities relating to the main-in ballots.

Here is what we do know:

Nevada: The Silver…

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BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades!

God, Guns and Guts Comrades!

Cooking with Kathy Man

Celebrating delicious and healthy food

In My Father's House

"...that where I am you may be also." Jn.14:3


A fine site

Talk Wisdom

Talk Wisdom's goal is to defend the tenets and values of Biblical Christian faith. We defend our Constitutional Republic and Charters of Freedom, especially when speaking out against destructive social and political issues. As followers of our Savior and Lord, we should boldly stand up for Jesus Christ in our present circumstances. He is our Savior, Lord, and King, and His love needs to be shed abroad in our hearts and in our world - now.

Standing in Grace

...this grace in which we now stand. — Rom 5:2

Exalting the name of Jesus through Christian essays

Michelle Lesley

Discipleship for Christian Women

The Acceptable Digest

"Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it ..." Song of Solomon 8:7

On the Edge Again

Life happens. I hope to encourage everyone in bad times!


...integrating Christian faith and knowledge in the public square

Cry and Howl

He that ruleth over men must be just, ruling in the fear of God. 2 Sam 23:3


Pastor Ward Clinton is a pastor in the Church of The Nazarene and author of a handful of books.

GraceLife Blog

Thoughts About God's Amazing Grace

True Discernment

2 Timothy 4:3-4

Freedom Is Just Another Word...

Random stuff, but mostly about Guns, Freedom and Crappy Government..


De Oppresso Liber

The Oil for Your Lamp

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." (Hosea 4:6)

Walter Bright

Refining theological understanding. Sharpening ethical rigor. Heightening devotional intensity.

Kingsjester's Blog

Opinions from a Christian American Conservative

As Seen Through the Eyes of Faith

“So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” (Rom. 10:17) KJV

Daniel B. Wallace

Executive Director of CSNTM & Senior Research Professor of NT Studies at Dallas Theological Seminary

The Master's Table

God honoring, Christ Centered

Citizen WElls

Citizen News not Fake News


Thoughts on Our Constitutional Republic

We the People of the United States

Fighting the Culture War, One Skirmish at a Time

partnering with eagles


Be Sure You’re Right, Then Go Ahead

"Our threat is from the insidious forces working from within which have already so drastically altered the character of our free institutions — those institutions we proudly called the American way of life. " -- Gen. Douglas MacArthur is the best place for your personal blog or business site.