Archive for May, 2022

Michael Sussmann Acquitted by the DC Swamp – The Marshall Report

May 31, 2022

Is anyone a bit surprised?


The facts were there, laid out with more than sufficient evidence to prove Sussmann’s guilt. Fact one was proven that Sussmann lied to then-FBI general counsel James Baker in order to get a meeting to pass the Alfa Bank hoax materials to the FBI. Sussmann lied again during the meeting – stating he was not there on behalf of a client – in order to get the FBI to open an investigation into the Trump Organization’s purported ties with Alfa Bank. Sussman had even admitted to Congress he met with Baker on behalf of a client and billing records proved he was working on behalf of the Clinton Campaign on the Alfa Bank project. So how does this jury say not guilty? 

Judge Christopher Cooper, who oversaw the jury trial, tailored testimony in an apparent attempt to limit such polarization, barred prosecutors from discussing the accuracy of the Alfa Bank data and said the jury could only consider Sussmann’s Sept. 19 statement to Baker and not the text message the night before, when deciding his guilt. READ: Michael Sussman, attorney with ties to Clinton campaign, acquitted in first Durham investigation trial – CBS News

READ: Michael Sussmann has been acquitted – by Techno Fog (

So what happens next? It is now proven there is no law and order in DC. But then again… that’s a corporation plot of land and the courts there are indeed in the midst of the swamp and run by the lawless marauders. 

President Trump’s response, 

image 211

The ending was definitely telling that President Trump was not pleased… “Our Country is going to hell, and Michael Sussman is not Guilty. How’s everything else doing? Enjoy your day!!!”

So when the trial PROVES Hillary Clinton perpetrated massive fraud, and the Jury members are selected to include those who are partial towards the defendent as “in favor of” … it all goes to say that our court systems are corrupt… but if we say the truth the fake news shouts…you are a poor loser. This is about lawlessness. I mean this can’t get any more like a movie. The truth comes out and a rigged jury says innocent, while the fake news does its wrap up smear. Something about if Hilary goes down so does the rest of the Dems…must have been hitting close.

Because Evil

May 27, 2022

Excellent post by IB! Goes to show how desperately we need forgiveness at the foot of the cross, and all of us need a genuine relationship with our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ!

See, there's this thing called biology...

I am like that small child that just always has to know “why.” Yes but, why? I am really grateful God so patiently and so faithfully answers the vast majority of my “whys.” He really does, too. I can count on one hand the number of times He has said something like, you can’t know that, not yet. Or, I can’t answer that because you’re asking the wrong question.

The hardest answer to a “why” for me was actually, “because they believe it is acceptable and they think they can get away with it.” I’m a fixer, a problem solver, a preventer of issues, so an answer like that is just so unsatisfactory. What do you mean, they just choose to do it??

The idea that people can deliberately choose to do evil just doesn’t compute in my brain…..or in my heart. I assume they must be mentally ill…

View original post 450 more words

Someone Like You: Elijah

May 22, 2022

“One man against the world.”

Ask yourself: Who, or what is the object of your faith?

Bible prophecy is one of the best ways you and I have to reach people for Christ—now more than ever! This is why—in this last month of our, This Could Be The Day three-month prophecy campaign you won’t want to miss the opportunity to take advantage of all the resources offered to bring you comfort during these troubled days and to equip you to reach your loved ones for Christ.

Who would you reach out to if you knew that Jesus was coming back today? Our Lord is coming back quickly. It could be any day—perhaps this day. You certainly know someone—maybe many people—who would be caught unprepared if He were to come back today.

Whoever God is laying on your heart, please—don’t wait another moment, another day.

Learn More

X22 Report: Ep. 2780b – [HRC] Approved The Alpha Bank Hoax, Durham’s Path Is Clear, Buckle Up

May 21, 2022

“The [DS] is now in trouble, the walls are closing in on [HRC], Mook who was under oath reported that [HRC] signed off on the Alpha Bank Hoax, Boom. The [DS] power is evaporating and the patriots have the power. They [DS] will now push as much as they can to get the people to do what they want. They are now going all out with fear and vaccines. The patriots have the leverage, the people are awake, this plan has failed before it even got started.” – x22 Report

President Trump’s Second Declaration of Independence – H/T The Marshall Report!

May 21, 2022

Transcribed by Mark Baughman 2/9/2020 from Parchment Paper from Original.


Trusting our cause is just and having prayed for the fortitude of brave spiritual wickedness in high places. WE CITIZENS OF AMERICA make this announcement to the SHAREHOLDERS OF US CORP. including THE CITY OF LONDON, THE BRITISH CROUWN, AND THE VATICAN, and their OPERATIVES in the media government and society.


By the 50 United States of America

With the utmost respect and admiration for the founders of America and the framers of the original DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE, the American people humbly emulate their thoughtful measured response to certain perpetual and ascending tyranny and despotism. We too believe it is [the] moral obligation of those privileged with knowledge and opportunity to work on behalf of THE PEOPLE, that THE PEOPLE are served best when their benefactors choose unity over division, nationalism over globalism, sovereignty over submission, and liberty over oppression, that all human beings are equal in their innate value, that America was founded under God, and that our God-given rights may not be revoked, suspended, negated or abridged without due process. What distinguishes the 2nd DECLARATION OF INDEPEDENCE from its progenitor is the object from which we seek independence.

Regrettably, to our great misfortune, shame and dismay, and despite the recurrent warnings, and accorded safeguards, a cabal of foreign investors and privateers have managed to gain possession of our land, our wealth, our labor, our well-being, our future, and even our children.

Although history has become muddied with varied interpretations of cardinal events, including the surreptitious adoption of a second “corporate” constitution, and uncertain ratification of several amendments destructive to THE PEOPLE, it matters only that one or more alien groups lay claim to America and its assets. Rather than speculate on motives, and weigh unprofitably to biased accounts, unverifiable information, and plenteous theories and opinions, we engage a perfect solution, wherein we exact independence from all claimants, past and present, proclaimed, identified, or veiled. As such, the usurpers named in this declaration are representative, and not specific, or exhaustive, regardless of supposed, ancestry, preceded, instrument or process.

Although simply enumerating transgressions and usurpations would suffice to justify insularity, recounting significant events, reveals important facts, that are missing from history. These forgotten facts, add insight, perspective, and clarity, illuminating our best way forward.

1. The inevitable Civil War destroyed America’s economy, ripped families apart, and cast a questionable shadow on the future of a once promising nation. America was in trouble financially, and needed a massive infusion of capitol to get back to its feet.

2. A cabal of nation-building venture capitals, from Europe, agreed to finance America’s recovery, but demanded an active role in government to ensure their investment. In 1871, mired in debt, Congress worked out a partnership. In exchange for boundless financial support, the foreign investors handle America’s administrative needs.

3. Although initially it seemed to be an innocuous concession, the consequences of allowing the nation-building venture capitalists to conduct America’s business beyond the protections of the U.S. Constitution proved catastrophic. The investors quickly embedded OPERATIONS throughout the foreign-owned corporate government, and Washington D.C. began serving the interests of America’s financier’s over THE PEOPLE. In 1871, America effectively lost its independence, and the nation-building venture capitalists became our new masters.

4. By the early 1900’s, the foreign investors that bankrolled America controlled the major newspapers and news services, enabling them to shape what is reported and how it is to be framed. They had to cover their tracks, before being exposed and repudiated by THE PEOPLE.

5. The nation-building venture capitalists, worked to soften America’s imperturbable elevated system of government. The founders had formed a Constitutional Republic instead of a Democracy specifically to prevent citizens in the majority from oppressing those in the minority. By doing what is best for their District (or State), rather than enforce the majority will, representatives serve all citizens equally, eliminating the noise, division, and violence intrinsic to Democracies. Being in control of the narrative, the foreign investors ingenious promoted the fallacy that America is a Democracy trusting that the deception would lead to unrest and chaos that would make America vulnerable, creating additional opportunities for infiltration and manipulation.

6. In 1913, the foreign investors established the Anti-Defamation League, to slander anyone who exposed them, and their infiltration into American politics.

7. In 1913, by the way of the 16th Amendment, the foreign investors were granted the authority to tax the American people directly, something expressly prohibited by the original Constitution. That THE PEOPLE would willingly subject themselves to forced confiscation of their property (their labor) is illogical, putting the legitimacy of ratification in question.

8. In 1913, by way of the 17th Amendment, the foreign investors breached an important safeguard that protected our Constitution Republic from infiltration of enemy forces. Previously, Senators were “Statesmen” appointed by the respective State Legislatures, as a check on the House of Representatives, raiding the public treasury, Henceforth. Senators would run as glorified House Representatives, reduced to promising “free” public money and services for votes. The authenticity of ratification is unlikely because the State Legislatures would not willingly surrender their authority to bridle the appetite of THE PEOPLE’s house not would they accede to transfer more power to the Federal Government, opening yet another door for the international bankers, to buy the influence they need, to further their grip on America.

9. In 1913, the foreign investors gained control of our currency by pushing through Congress the Federal Reserve Act, establishing a foreign-owned central banking system despite the dire warnings of presidents Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, Abraham Lincoln, Andrew Johnson, James Garfield, and William McKinley. The Federal Reserve Act passed with the help of compromised legislators between 1:30AM to 4:30AM on December 22nd, when most members were away on the Christmas holiday.

10. In 1920, Congress, by the way of the independent Treasury Act, turned over the U.S. Treasury Department, and its assets (our gold and silver), to the Federal Reserve, the central banking system owned by the foreign investors, established 1913.

11. In 1921, the Council on Foreign Relations was formed under cover advancing America’s interests in the world. In fact, the CFR is sponsored by THE CITY OF LONDON, and serves to advance the interests of the foreign-owned Federal Reserve, by direction the president, Congress, and the narrative through OPERATIVES in their news and information networks.

12. In 1925, the owners of the Federal Reserve formed the UNITED STATES corporation. Just 5 out of the 100 shares issued were identified, with the balance of the shareholders of US CORP remaining anonymous, yet the money hail leads to THE CITY OF LONDON, THE BRITISH CROWN, and THE VATICAN. The tax dollars we send to the Internal Revenue Service go to the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, which are under their control.

13. The official formation of US CORP set the stage for the transformation of America from a Constitutional Republic of THE PEOPLE to a corporation owned by foreign interests and their families. Over the next few years, the individual States were registered as corporations as well, making them franchises of US CORP. Representatives and Senators neither represent nor work for the American People. Rather, they are managers of US CORP. and, as such, they are obligated first to serve its best interests. The president is just the President of America. He is the CEO of US CORP.

14. The abbreviated term “United State” was purposely used to represent both America and US CORP. to blur the distinction between them. Similarly, the original U.S. Constitution was quietly supplanted by an impostor “corporate (all-capital letters) constitution” that bears a similar name and appearance, again, to confuse and deceive the American people. Specifically, the “Constitution for the United States of America” was replaced by “THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES,” s with the latter’s corporate statutes becoming the supreme law of America.

15. In 1933, the U.S. federal government declared bankruptcy, and President Roosevelt, its acting CEO, signed over to US CORP. America and its assets, including THE PEOPLE, and our labor. The bankruptcy of 1933, that was arguably unnecessary, ceremonial in nature, and contrived and orchestrated without the consent of THE PEOPLE, completed the heist and transfer of America and its assets to the same foreign interests who own US CORP.

16. In the bankruptcy of 1933, US CORP forced the American people to surrender their gold in trade for debt nots called “Dollars.” Fiat currency that has not real value, and that is depreciated continually through inflation to where it is worth just 4 cents today.

17. The bankruptcy of 1933 put US CORP in a state of emergency, allowing it to implement Admiralty Law, made evident by the gold fringe around the American Flag. When in a US CORP courtroom, you are considered at sea and not a citizen of America.

18. In 1936, US CORP began issuing Social Security Numbers to turn otherwise sovereign Americans into trustees of corporate fictions, making our labor taxable, which would otherwise be unconstitutional. According to US CORP. you are not a love man or woman, but rather a representation of a corporation in your name.

19. In 1945, the anonymous owners US CORP founded the United Nations, under the guise of spreading peace, civility, and humanitarian assistance throughout the world, yet the true purpose is to condition citizens to recognize an international authority, a first step in establishing their promised “New World Order,” in which the U.S. Constitution is retired to make room for a universal totalitarian government.

20. United Nation’s publications “Agenda 21” and “Agenda 30” reveal the “New World Order” agenda, calling for the end of nationalism, patriotism, private property, individual rights, the two-parent family, automobiles, air travel, and the right to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government. In keeping with their goal of “sustainable development,” they plan to reduce the population by over 90%, ridding America and the world of dissidents and “useless eaters.” The remaining “useful servants” are to live in coastal communities, wherein they will be stacked-and-packed in micro-apartments.

21. The only thing standing in the way of their “New World Order” is a strong, prosperous, and secure America. To achieve their goal of world domination. America must lose its sovereignty and leadership position, and thus why the owners of US CORP quietly work to undermine our culture, systems, beliefs, standards, aspiration, and morals; for over 100 years, employing unrestrained method and tactics.

22. With millions of dollars at their disposal every year from taxing our labor, the owners of US CORP. fund leftist non-profit groups, including the COUNCIL ON FOREIGN RELATIONS, that work to subvert our nation and silence anyone in opposition. They ingratiate the officials and administrators who run the largest charities and organizations, including the A.M.A. the APA, the CDC, the FCC, the SEC, and the FDA, and they embed OPERATIVES in the State Department, the Department of Justice, and the intelligence agencies, official and covert, including the NSA, FBI, and CIA.

23. In trade for generous grants and endowments, the anonymous owners of US CORP shape the curriculum, and political sentiment of the public schools, colleges, and universities, insuring the next generations, our children, harbor disdain for their country, their history, their culture, their families, and even their ethnicity.

24. The anonymous owners of US CORP keep THE PEOPLE in the dark about the true history of America, the greatest heist and cover-up in history, by controlling public education, the major publishers, the news services, the airwaves, and the social and information networks.

25. The foreign owners of US CORP prop up “puppets” throughout society and government, allowing them to make millions of dollars in trade for perpetrating their agenda of secrecy and subjugation of America. These traitors include prominent politicians, news readers, pundits, authors, movie stars, and the heads of the social, news and information networks, major sports teams, music, and entertainment industries, and corporate conglomerates responsible for over 90% of the products designed, manufactured, advertised, purchased, financed and consumed.

26. By the way of funding campaigns and fixing elections, the owners of US CORP obligate the most influential politicians to further their agenda of breaking America socially and financially. They promote disdain for country, dependency on government, indulgence, lawlessness, and immorality, to spoil and dishearten citizens, predisposing them to trade their sovereignty for the false promises of an international unelected government, sponsored by the world elite.

27. By the way of the Democrat Party, and OPERATIVES posing as television hosts, entertainers, journalists, pundits and policy experts, the owners of US CORP brainwash and condition THE PEOPLE to accept invalid arguments and pseudoscience, that call for globalism, socialism, and a godless society, in which technology is our moral compass.

28. The OPERATIVES of the foreign-owned US CORP are deeply rooted throughout the news and information networks, academia, government, and society. Colloquially referred to as “the Deep State,” “the Shadow Government,” and “the Swamp,” the OPERATIVES perform with a hive mind because they are guilty of treason, a crime punishable by death. They are desperate to hide their complicity, and thus they systematically target, demonize, and even “suicide” all who threaten to expose their treachery and malfeasance.

29. The OPERATIVES of US CORP favor unbridled immigration because it is the most expedient way to destroy the country from within. Flooding America with illegal immigrants, without allowing them time to assimilate, ensures arrogance, separation, and anti-Americanism, and anger, animosity, and conflict with THE PEOPLE. By design, we can also expect a steady dilution of the principles, ethics, and systems that made America successful. Moreover, the majority of illegal immigrants are ethics and systems that made America successful. Moreover, the majority of illegal immigrants are likely to vote for Democrats, who legislate according to the will of the foreign owners of US CORP.

30. Not able to reveal, not readable

31. In conjunction with skewed statistics, deceptive polls, false facts, and the omission of decisive information, the owners of US CORP promote anti-Americanism, and their “New World Order” agenda. Fake new keeps THE PEOPLE disoriented, misinformed, and divided over ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, and economic class. Meanwhile, their debt system enslaves us their grip ever lightens through surveillance, and fluorination, vaccinations, and others technologies are deployed to weaken any substantive opposition.

32. The owners of US CORP are working incessantly to disarm the millions of law-abiding Patriots who stand in the way or their totalitarianism, oppressive “New World Order.” By the way of orchestrated mass shootings, the owners of US CORP will continue to terrorize THE PEOPLE until we assent to “comprehensive background checks.” The word “comprehensive” is nebulous and undefined, allowing for battery of psychological and medical testing, ever-expanding, until largeled individuals are deemed emotionally unstable, and a danger to society. True to the predictions of every futuristic book and movie, patriotic Americans will be disarmed by the way of political profiling, under the guise of screening for mental health.

33. Through their vast indoctrination machine, the foreign owners of US CORP have convinced THE PEOPLE that America is a Democracy, and that Democracy is the highest form of government. This is problematic because Democracy is by definition, “mob rule.” Democracies invariably fail because “the majority mob” always demands more and more public monies and services, precured through excessive taxation and other Socialist-like policies, resulting in economic ruin, runaway debt, fiscal collapse, and ultimately; social implosion, opening the door for the promised, predicted, dreadful, and ever-looming “New World Order.” Because sovereignty is not sustainable without exploring the ills of Democracy, and reestablishing our elevated Constitutional Republic, we are compelled to make the following proclamations:

a. The world Democracy does not appear anywhere in the America’s founding documents, because the framers knew that Democracy, in any form, or disguise is fatally flawed, leading invariably to oppression, unrest, societal failure, violence, and death.

b. All modern forms of government are elected democratically. They differentiated only by who makes them decisions, after elections are over.

c. In a Democracy, citizens in the majority make the sales, leaving those, in the minority oppressed. Consequently, a Democracy is always noisy, divisive, divided insufficient, unsteady, combustible, fiscally irresponsible, and short lived.

d. America was established as a Constitutional Republic; those elected must NOT do the bidding of the citizen majority, Rather, they most do what is best for their District (of State), despite the majority will. In this way, all citizens are represented equally., and no one is suppressed, making a Constitutional Republic quiet, steady, efficient, and preferred.

e. Although the word “democracy” feels good, it is founded on mob rule, making it akin to socialism, communism, and every other tyrannical form of government.

f. Finally, Article QV. Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution resolves any doubt, “The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican “Form of Government”.

Having exposed the greatest heist and cover-up in history, we are able to summarize. America and its assets were quietly hijacked, and the cover-up has resulted in unthinkable crimes against THE PEOPLE and humanity. Allowing the hostile takeover to stand will lead eventually to compete and irreversible subjugation and the eradication of truth, justice, and all that is good.

This 2nd DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE distinguishes the United States of American from the subversive UNITIED STATES CORPORATION. It asserts that the US CORP was formed illegally, that it is foreign-owned, and that its shareholders have been quietly at war with America for over 150 years. Treasonous OPERATIVES, embedded within government and the “fake news” networks, purposely divide the citizenry, and facilitate conflict among the nations., to hide that US CORP was formed illegally, that is foreign-owned, and that its shareholders have been quietly at war with America for over 150 years. Treasonous OPERATIVES, embedded within government and the “fake news” networks, purposely divide the citizenry, and facilitate conflict among the natives, to hide that US CORP is and always has been, the only real enemy of America. This 2nd DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE also repudiates, with conviction. US CORP’s satanically-inspired plan for world governance. In addition to being, of, by, and for THE ELITE, and not THE PEOPLE their falsely advertised pseudo-Utopian unelected totalitarian “New World Order” would supplant America’s sovereignty, and extinguish forever, any semblance of liberty, and prosperity.

Because natural inclinations predispose human beings to be shortsighted, malleable, and easily bamboozled, one might presume the American people should bear responsibility for being swindled out of their homeland, inherited from their forefathers who procured and secured if at great expense and much sacrifice, and for slowly but steadily trading there largely unappreciated blessings of liberty, opportunity, and prosperity for “trinkets” in the form of unearned comforts, frivolous indulgences, and gluttonous pleasures.

However, the transfer of ownership form the American people was not conducted openly and with candor, but clandestinely, through calculated design, and nefarious means, without body consent, and unconstitutionally. It is for the latter reason that American people claim their right to rectification. That the greatest heist in history was effected outside the constraints of the U.S. Constitution, and that those who were elected to represent America’s best interests transgressed their fiduciary responsibility, and exceeded their authority, warrants this proclamation, that the American people are rightful owners of our land, our labor, our wellbeing, or future, and our children, for our benefit, and the benefit of our posterity.

As with any negotiated peace after years of atrocities committed by parties at war, we seek neither vengeance nor demand justice for past transgressions. The simply adjure the return of what rightly belongs to THE PEOPLE, and avow firmly, emphatically, publicly, and officially, that America shall forever remain a sovereign nation, free, self-directed, and not affiliated or dependent upon any version, or variation, of the present, planned, or innovated “New World Order”.

We entreat a bloodless solution, wherein you cease all destruction activities, including false flag events, dissolve US CORP and other illicit legal structures and custodial instruments, return our land, and assets, including our gold and silver, redirect the tax collected on our labor back to America, and have your “Deep State” and “Shadow Government” OPERATIVES retire, withdrawing your influence in a orderly fashion, so society continues to thrive, in trade for you keeping your wealth, your position, and your heads.

In response to questions regarding legitimacy, efficacy, and process; throwing off the shackles of national thralldom is elementary and unambiguous, as evidenced by the separation of the 13 Colonies from Britain in 1776, and the Mexican people from Spain in 1825. A formal declaration, hailed by authorized representations, procures independence that is immediate, whole, consummate, infrangible, and unencumbered by obligation, condition, or imposition.

As we enter grievous territory, we reflect on the precarious road our forefathers forged when they judiciously severed the political and familial ties that bound them. Or hearts also are filled with melancholy and trepidation, yet we too are resolute in our posture and positions from being confronted with no better option. Despite the manifest peril, the consequences of acquiescence are graver still, compelling us to claim solemnly our independence once again. So, in support of this Declaration, with its firm reliance on the protection of divine providence, we mutually pledge to each other our Lives, our Fortunes, and our sacred Honor.

(The 56 signatories or THE TASK FORCE are to be affixed at the time of presentation to Congress, the President, the 50 State Legislatures, and the Governors of the respective States.)

Read: The 2nd Declaration of Independence – Power back to the People (

Who knew? The facts were laid out and there for all who were seeking to know. How many looked? Continue connecting dots. We missed a few. TRUMP ODE TO THE CORPORATION! – THE MARSHALL REPORT (

(Note: some transcript typos will be corrected later)

5.8.22: DEMS plans UNFOLD/EXPOSED…not working! HUGE COURT Victories! SOR@S in Trouble! PRAY! 

May 9, 2022

Anomalies, Contradictions, and general Oddities of the Biden Administration 

May 7, 2022
Patel PatriotApr 5433

Here is a list of contradictions, anomalies, and general oddities of the Joe Biden administration. I crowdsourced a lot of the items on this list, so I added some that could very well be insignificant, especially when looked at individually. However, the compilation of everything tells the story that something strange is going on. This list will not be in chronological order and will be updated as more oddities arrive, and more items are pointed out.


I haven’t been able to add everything yet and will be doing so over the course of the next few days.

Thank you to Just Human for his contributions 

Find him on Telegram: or Truth Social:@justhuman

White House set.

  • Mike Pence making international trips, visiting Israel as recently as March 8th, 2022

  • Mike Pompeo’s international trips, visiting Taiwan as recently as March 1st, 2022


Patel Patriot

Mom Sings Worship Song to Her Baby!

May 3, 2022

So beautiful! The emotional reaction from this precious child is something very special to see!

You are perfect in all of Your ways…


Good Good Father


Oh, I’ve heard a thousand stories 
Of what they think You’re like 
But I’ve heard the tender whisper 
Of love in the dead of night 
And You tell me that You’re pleased 
And that I’m never alone

You’re a good, good Father 
It’s who You are, it’s who You are 
It’s who You are 
And I’m loved by You 
It’s who I am, it’s who I am 
It’s who I am

Oh, and I’ve seen many searching 
For answers far and wide 
But I know 
We’re all searching for answers only You provide 
‘Cause You know 
Just what we need 
Before we say a word

You’re a good, good Father 
It’s who You are, it’s who You are 
It’s who You are 
And I’m loved by you 
It’s who I am, it’s who I am 
It’s who I am

You’re a good, good Father 
It’s who You are, it’s who You are 
It’s who You are 
And I’m loved by you 
It’s who I am, it’s who I am 
It’s who I am

Because You are perfect in all of Your ways 
You are perfect in all of Your ways 
You are perfect in all of Your ways to us

Oh, You are perfect in all of Your ways 
You are perfect in all of Your ways 
You are perfect in all of Your ways to us

Oh, it’s love so undeniable 
I, I can hardly speak 
Peace so unexplainable 
I, I can hardly think 
As You call me deeper still 
As You call me deeper still 
As You call me deeper still into love, love, love

You’re a good, good Father 
It’s who You are, it’s who You are 
It’s who You are 
And I’m loved by You 
It’s who I am, it’s who I am 
It’s who I am

You’re a good, good Father 
It’s who you are, it’s who You are 
It’s who You are 
And I’m loved by You 
It’s who I am, it’s who I am 
It’s who I am

Because You are perfect in all of Your ways 
You are perfect in all of Your ways 
You are perfect in all of Your ways to us 
Oh, You know it

Oh, You are perfect in all of Your ways 
Oh, you’re are perfect in all of Your ways 
You are perfect in all of Your ways to us

Oh, You are perfect in all of Your ways 
So perfect in all of Your ways 
You are perfect in all of Your ways to us (yes, You are)

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