Wikileaks Reveals the Egregious Corruption of HiLIARy’s Politics and Campaign [Update!]

During this bizarre election season there are many so-called “news networks” (like the media-of-mass-deception’s champion – CNN, a.k.a. Clinton News Network) – that often refuse to report or even acknowledge the egregious corruption going on in HiLIARY’s political life and campaign!

Early this morning, one of the pundits over at the Fox News Channel made a great point. He stated that in the current trend of our “visual” world, the tape about Trump and his “locker room talk” gets more play and attention than the Wikileaks exposure of HiLIARy’s emails between her, Podesta, and the rest of her evil cronies – which SHOULD BE CONSIDERED AS FAR MORE DAMAGING.

Let’s look at one of the latest revelations obtained via the latest Wikileaks email document dump.

Video clip: Clinton in leaked email: Saudi Arabia and Qatar funding ISIS

In the video, you will see and hear Ambassador Bolton’s reaction to this news. He says that the charge raises questions about the former secretary of state’s sources.

Another case in point. Citizen Wells blog reveals an awful truth about HiLIARy and her corrupticrats when we read, “I don’t mind the “backs of dead Americans” because we need a bit of moral outrage.”


Wikileaks Hillary et al weasel words on Benghazi dead Americans emails technology, Podesta Kendall Mills Abedin and host of others, “I don’t mind the “backs of dead Americans” because we need a bit of moral outrage”, Media “allies.”


How about this one?

Kommonsentsjane: Clinton Campaign Email Outlines Effort “To Produce an Unaware and Compliant Citizenry” » Alex Jones’ Infowars: There’s a war on for your mind! — tjxworkshop — Arlin Report


“The unawareness remains strong but compliance is obviously fading rapidly. This problem demands some serious, serious thinking – and not just poll driven, demographically-inspired messaging.” To emphasize, Ivey admits that the left has ‘conspired’ to “produce an unaware and compliant citizenry” but that they’re not as easy to manipulate anymore and that this is a […]


We can’t even believe the polls anymore! The media of mass deception is complicit in LYING ABOUT THAT, TOO!

The Last Refuge: Media Polling Fully Exposed – About That NBC/WSJ Clinton +11 Point Poll….


The Real Battle, is The Battle For Your Mind

Researchers and political analysts frequent CTH because we bring you hard, factual, and fully cited research enabling you to make up your own mind about the headlines.

What you are about to read (and see) below is a fully cited example of something we have discussed frequently, but withheld until today, so the oppositional forces cannot change strategies in their attempts to manipulate your mind.

It is now time to lay all media polling naked for you to grasp. Everything below is fully cited so you can fact-check it for yourself. However, we present this with a disclaimer: the entities exposed will industriously work to change their approach from this day forth.

Go to The Last Refuge to see the proof!

UPDATE ON 10/12/16!!!

The Last Refuge: MSNBC Calls NBC/WSJ Survey: “a cooked poll” – Stay Focused….

What is quite interesting about the “cooked poll” post over at The Last Refuge is the FACT that it was eventually taken down at MSNBC! Why? Because people were connecting the dots about the situation and it revealed the continuing corruption and collusion between the HiLIARy campaign and the media of mass deception!

~  Christine


…The Battle Really is For Your Mind

We warned overnight that revealing the structural inner works behind the closed doors of “media polls” was going to result in a necessary change in behavior by them in order for the ruse to be maintained. This reaction is what the corporate (Wall Street) media always do when they’re exposed to sunlight.

This morning MSNBC Morning Joe, discussed the poll and called it “cooked”.

However, don’t accept the self-interested positioning. Everyone sitting around that table participated in the Hillary Clinton campaign pre-launch meeting as outlined by WikiLeaks (you’ll note they never disclosed on their own).

NBC promptly deleted the video of the segment. It briefly appeared, then disappeared from MSNBC’s You Tube channel.  MediaIte captured it before it was scrubbed.

Why? Because the dot connection becomes simple and brutally obvious.

♦ Friday NBC/Universal releases the controversial Trump tape done by Billy Bush for Access Hollywood.
♦ Saturday and Sunday the same NBC/Universal coordinate with Hart Research and Associates for a poll/survey.
♦ Hart Research President, Geoff Garin, works for (and is paid by) Hillary Clinton’s Super-PAC.
♦ Monday, Hart Research, release the “cooked poll”, and NBC/WSJ begin promoting, while other media pile on to support.

Even a modest political follower can spot the narrative construction in timeline, against the backdrop of the relationships involved in the entire matter.

This was a timed, strategic, and fully coordinated, media political hit between NBC/Universal and Priorities USA – All the entities involved are Team Clinton.

Do not mentally allow the MSNBC Team (Joe Scarborough), professionals at gas lighting, to head obtusely toward the exits as if this is some jaw-agape shock to them. It’s not.

The issue for MSNBC (NBC/Universal) is how brutally obvious it all becameAND– people looking deeply into the financial connections between so called “media polling” and the political entities of Team Clinton.

HT:  The Last Refuge


Thomas Sowell makes many good points in his essay entitled, Words Versus Deeds of a Corrupt Liar.


USA –  -( Donald Trump’s gutter talk about women shows yet again that he is bad news. The problem is that Hillary Clinton is far worse.

Trump’s talk is indefensible. But Hillary Clinton’s actions as Secretary of State, carrying out the Obama administration’s foreign policies, have cost many lives in many places, including the American ambassador and others killed in Benghazi.

Women have a right to be offended by Trump’s words.

But women have suffered a far worse fate from Secretary Clinton’s and President Obama’s actions. Pulling American troops out of Iraq, despite military advice to the contrary, led to the sudden rise of ISIS and their seizing of many women and young girls as sex slaves.

A message from one of these women urged the bombing of ISIS.

She said she would rather be dead than live the life of a sex slave. Some women who tried to commit suicide and failed have been tortured for trying.

Meanwhile, President Obama tried to downplay ISIS with flippant words, by calling them the junior varsity. His half-hearted, foot-dragging military response has allowed ISIS to parade before the world as triumphant conquerors, appealing to disgruntled people in Western countries to carry out terrorist attacks in support of their cause.

That is a lot worse than some stupid and gross words by Donald Trump, which even he has had to repudiate. Make no mistake about it. Neither party has a good candidate for President. The choice is between bad and disastrous.

  • Are women more in danger from Trump’s words or Hillary’s actions?
  • Are Americans in general more in danger from Trump’s shallowness on issues or Hillary’s ruthless grabs for money and power — a track record that goes all the way back to the days when Bill Clinton was governor of Arkansas?

Mrs. Clinton’s own announced agenda attacks the very foundation of American Constitutional government, on which Americans’ own freedom depends.

She has already said that she will appoint Supreme Court justices who will specifically overturn a recent Supreme Court decision, “Citizens United versus FEC.”

That decision said that both corporations and labor unions have freedom of speech, including the right to contribute money toward political campaigns.

Hillary Clinton’s determination to pick judicial appointees on the basis of their willingness to overturn that decision is a more brazen extension of the political left’s other attempts to stifle the free speech of those who oppose their agenda.

Demands that various advocacy organizations reveal the names of all their donors are an obvious attempt to scare off those donors, with harassment by everyone from vandals to rioters to the Internal Revenue Service and other government bureaucrats.

Without the right to free speech, none of the other rights is safe. Government officials can get away with all sorts of abuses, if others are not free to talk about those abuses.

Read more:

Hat tips to all links.


Update at 11:14 a.m. PT:

There’s more!

WND: New Email Leak: Hillary Hates Everyday Americans.


There long has been evidence of Hillary Clinton’s sense of entitlement – the stories of her ordering Secret Service officers to carry her bags, her unabashed demands for hundreds of thousands of dollars for speeches, her insistence on specific travel accommodations and much more.

Now there’s evidence of exactly what she thinks of the average American who works hard and pays taxes to support the Washington establishment.

Not much.

“I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans,” wrote her campaign manager, John Podesta, in an email.

Hillary for prosecution, not president! Join the sizzling campaign to put Mrs. Clinton where she really belongs

The email has surfaced in a WikiLeaks dump of Podesta’s emails. Infowars’ Paul Joseph Watson noted the email, sent by Podesta on April 19, 2015, was a discussion about what “talking points Hillary should use in framing her candidacy for president in order to get a good head start.”

“I know she has begun to hate everyday Americans, but I think we should use it once the first time she says I’m running for president because you and everyday Americans need a champion,” he wrote. “I think if she doesn’t say it once, people will notice and say we false started in Iowa.”

Her director of communications, Jennifer Palmieri, responded, “Truth.”

“To emphasize,” Watson wrote, “John Podesta, Hillary’s campaign guru, is in black and white admitting that Hillary Clinton hates everyday Americans. This is huge.”

He noted previous emails on the topic, including one in which Clinton admitted during a Goldman Sachs speech she was “far removed” from the middle class, and yet another in which “Clinton campaign surrogate Bill Ivey talks about the need to maintain political power by producing ‘an unaware and compliant citizenry.’”

Read more (and see the Wikileaks document) at

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One Response to “Wikileaks Reveals the Egregious Corruption of HiLIARy’s Politics and Campaign [Update!]”

  1. A Christian Voter: “I believe Trump is our rowboat. Except he’s more like a battleship!” | Talk Wisdom Says:

    […] to ignore the evil, corruption, and lying that she has been involved in over the past 8 Obummer years, and during this election season.  Do […]


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