The Debate – An Essay By L.

The following is an email that was sent to me after viewing the debate last night.  I read this powerful essay this morning!  It was written by my friend L.  She has agreed to be a guest blogger here at Talk Wisdom.  Opinions and comments are welcome!

~ Christine
Blog Administrator

The Debate


I just finished watching the debate.  What an embarrassment they both are.  I have seen the SNL skits.  They are pretty good, but they don’t even have to make up anything with Trump and Hillary.  It is funny straight out of their mouths.  These two are like caricatures of real people.  The hair, mannerisms, cankles, and Mau jackets.  Bring in the clowns.

I just can’t bring myself to vote for either of them.  I don’t want a Progressive Globalist Socialist (Hillary) or a Nationalist Socialist (Trump).  I sometimes think Donald Trump is just in it to destroy the Republican Party, but I know Hillary will do everything she can to destroy the Constitution, and make us a Globalist Socialist country.  She wants us to be like Europe, and you can see how they are crumbling.  I can’t believe what Merkel has done to Germany.  She is a disaster, and a Globalist.  Some say she may be a Communist, because of her past.  Socialism has been tried over and over again, and it never works.

You know there is more smut to come on Donald and Hillary don’t you?  They haven’t even touched on the harassment of the reporter from England or the eminent domain in Scotland.  Then there is the pedophile island that Bill Clinton visited several times, more emails, secret service, and women that Hillary has destroyed and paid off.  That doesn’t even touch on the some 37 mysterious deaths of people that were close to or came against the Clintons throughout their public life.  A lot more despicable stuff from both of them is coming soon.

I want to travel, but honestly I don’t feel safe about going anywhere right now,

No matter who becomes president we are headed for a major economic down turn, and probably more like a depression,  It is a cyclical historic event that just always happens.  The Fed has been holding it off, but they can’t much longer.  It is going to happen, and it could be in weeks, months or a few years.  I have been reading and studying about it, and all the signs are here.  They are printing money like crazy with no gold or silver backing.  The housing market is in another bubble.  The trade dollar is leaving the U.S., and the banks worldwide are becoming unstable.  Our debt is more than it has ever been, and is rising at an unheard of rate.  We will be at 20 trillion in debt at the time of the election.  When Bush left office it was a little over 10 trillion.  President Obama has almost doubled it.  We are in a very bad spot.

I wish I could be ignorant of what has happened, and what I fear is coming, but I just can’t go back to my happy place, because too many things have fallen into place.

You add to all of this the threat from Iran, North Korea, the Middle East, and Russia, and it just feels like a disaster waiting to happen.  You also have Turkey, our ally or so they say, who had a failed coup.  We keep acting as if nothing is going on over there, but they are no longer a secular country.  They are primarily Muslim under Erdogan, with quite a few Islamists.  Erdogan has been purging any opposition to his government, and we are barely covering it.  Did you know that we are in a proxy war right now with Russia?  Russia actually says we are in WWIII with them, but nobody is listening.

Russia is trying to create chaos just as the Islamists are trying to do.  Oddly enough both want to bring about the end of the world.  Russia with Putin, and his right hand man Dugin in a kind of twisted Christian way, which is more in line with Hitler from what I have read.  Then there is Al Baghdadi who has claimed he is the Caliph, and is trying to bring chaos too, for the end of the world to bring the 12th Imam here in a twisted Muslim way.  It is nuts, but it is happening, and very few people are paying attention or they just don’t understand.

Clinton has close advisors that are connected to the Muslim Brotherhood who are advocates of Sharia Law, and Muslim world dominance.  Then there is George Soros.  He is a huge supporter of the Democratic party, and a very evil guy.  He likes to destroy whole countries for fun, and sees himself as a world ruler.

Donald Trump has advisors and people working in his campaign that are Russian, and have close ties to Putin.  Then there is also Steve Bannon (some say an advocate of the Alt Right) from Breitbart, and Roger Ailes (very powerful and accused of sexually harassing employees at Fox) from Fox that advise Trump, and are both the main reason he is where he is in this campaign.  Having the media in your pocket always helps.

It is all such a twisted upside down mess.  I feel like the American people are just pawns in this game they are all playing.  It would make for a great movie, but it is sad that we are actually living this.

I would pray that God would help us, but we turned our back on Him.  Then as a Nation we set it in stone with the legalization of gay marriage, and our closed eyes or saying the horrific abortion videos were edited and untrue.  When you make a covenant with God as George Washington did you don’t get to choose which of God’s laws you will obey.


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11 Responses to “The Debate – An Essay By L.”

  1. christinewjc Says:

    L. wrote:

    I sometimes think Donald Trump is just in it to destroy the Republican Party, but I know Hillary will do everything she can to destroy the Constitution, and make us a Globalist Socialist country.

    I have had the same suspicions about Trump and have posted concern about his real motivations in this election.

    I just happened to be reading another blog right after I posted L’s essay. Look, read and weep at what Anne Barnhardt has written about Kayfabe Notes: Trump’s True Motivation and Other Notes!!!

    Post-American Politics Is Kayfabe. The Word Is KAYFABE.

    I have been referring to post-American electoral politics as “kabuki theater”. But I found an even better word – in fact, the perfect word.

    The word is:


    This comes from the world of… professional wrestling. Here is the definition from wiki…

    KAYFABE: kayfabe /ˈkeɪfeɪb/ is the portrayal of staged events within the industry as “real” or “true,” specifically the portrayal of competition, rivalries, and relationships between participants as being genuine and not of a staged or pre-determined nature of any kind. Kayfabe has also evolved to become a code word of sorts for maintaining this “reality” within the direct or indirect presence of the general public.

    Now tell me that isn’t a perfect descriptor of this utter farce.

    Words have meaning, folks, and it is always best to use the word that most precisely and accurately matches the concept that one is trying to convey or discuss. Therefore, since the perfect word for the farce before us exists, we should start using it.

    Post-American electoral politics, especially national-level politics is KAYFABE. In fact, it is even more KAYFABEY than professional wrestling.


    Because offstage, remember, FRONT ROW AT THE “WEDDING”. Where the dead parents would have been seated.


  2. christinewjc Says:

    Consistent readers here know that in the past, I have labeled Donald Trump/Drumpf as a combination of a sleazy salesman and blowhard carnival barker. That was based mostly on his celebrity status and famously vile utterings that showed him to be a liberal/progressive democrat trying to disguise himself as a conservative republican in order to win votes from uninformed voters.


    But that’s only the tip of the iceberg compared to all the reasons not to vote for him that are shared at The Odyssey Online


  3. christinewjc Says:

    If Trump is the Kayfabe player in all of this and not genuine about his campaign promises, then he would also be involved with allowing one of the most awful crime families – the Clintons – back into the White House.

    To Be Free: EXPOSED: Clinton’s Trafficked MASSIVE CIA Shipments of Cocaine When Bill Was Governor of Arkansas.

    And, when you scroll down at the following link, you will get dozens of links to the enormous amount of evilness surrounding the Clintons…more than even I ever knew! – 10/10/16

    Trump Crushes Clinton And Her Memorized Soundbites

    I have often said at this blog that HiLIARy would be far worse than Trump. However, if the KAYFABE theatre is true and Trump is in this as an utter farce of kabuki theatre, such a scenario would mean that “the fix” [for the Clintons] was in at the start.

    I agree with Joel C. Rosenberg when he wrote:

    I have to admit that I seriously long for the Lord to set the Rapture into motion in the days or weeks ahead. Election Day would be just fine, though sooner would be better.


  4. GMpilot Says:

    It must be terrible for her, living in fear like that.
    I doubt she’ll find much comfort at this blog, and think that your fears and hers would feed off each other.
    But I can’t stop her, Let’s see how she likes it here.
    Oh, and she should travel, if she can. If God wants her earthly body to perish in Madrid or wherever, then it will, but one might as well see the world while there still is one, right?


  5. L Says:

    It is not fear exactly, although there is some. There is the fact that the world is changing into a less kind place, which does to some extent make safety a concern. It is more though the discomfort of knowing you can’t fully enjoy travel, because the pleasure is gone. When you have a loved one with a terminal disease, and you know they are dying it takes the pleasure away. I guess that is some of what I feel.

    There are bigger things happening to worry about what little pleasure I might get from travel.

    Knowing God is what takes fear away, and this is a great blog for that.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. GMpilot Says:

    L: It is not fear exactly, although there is some.
    But your last sentence says “Knowing God is what takes fear away,” so you’ve negated that dodge.
    There is the fact that the world is changing into a less kind place, which does to some extent make safety a concern.
    For most people, most of the time, the world has not been a kind or safe place. If the people are, the environment often isn’t. I’ve seen a few such places, and I expect you have too, since you’ve traveled.
    It is more though the discomfort of knowing you can’t fully enjoy travel, because the pleasure is gone.
    People don’t travel just for pleasure. People often travel because they have things to do. Soldiers travel. Diplomats travel. Missionaries travel. Sportsmen travel. Engineers and architects travel. Students travel.
    People travel because there are things to learn. If you want to study dinosaur bones, or the framework of the Hagia Sophia, or the workings of the Hadron Collider, the best (and often the only) way to do that is to travel to where they are.
    No amount of films and books can take the place of being there. If you’ve traveled, you already know that.
    When you have a loved one with a terminal disease, and you know they are dying it takes the pleasure away.
    But you’d still go to visit them, wouldn’t you, and help them spend their last hours pleasantly? Or are you one of those “I got mine” types?
    I guess that is some of what I feel.
    Okay. What’s the rest of it?

    There are bigger things happening to worry about what little pleasure I might get from travel.
    Can you do anything about those ‘bigger things’ you’re worrying about? Are you doing anything about those ‘bigger things’? Because if one of the things you’re doing is wailing on this blog, it’s easy to see why you might get little pleasure from travel.
    Try worrying about people who are traveling because they have no choice. There’s plenty of those.

    Knowing God is what takes fear away, and this is a great blog for that.
    Then perhaps you should go visit your dying loved one and try to comfort them…unless you fear seeing yourself in their place.

    Thank you for your response, and welcome to the arena.


    • L Says:

      GMpilot, You seem very cynical. I get the impression you don’t think too highly of most people, and are not a believer in God. I think it is good to question everything even the existence of God.

      What are you looking for from this blog? Are you looking for some answers, or hoping to answer questions for others? Otherwise why even post or reply to anything?


  7. L Says:

    By the way I wasn’t talking about a literal person dying. I was referring to our country being in such distress that it stays with you no matter where you go.


    • GMpilot Says:

      Cynicism is one way of expressing one’s dissatisfaction with other people, but it also presumes that people will always act from selfish motives. I prefer not to make that presumption, even if I’m proven wrong later.
      I haven’t spoken about other people except in very broad terms. Exactly how did I express a low opinion of most people?
      No, I am not a believer in God, or any gods. I also think questioning everything is a good idea, but if you question God, I suspect you will not be made welcome here.

      I’m not looking for anything from this blog. I was challenged to come here, years ago, and chose to remain because someone should dispute what’s been said on these pages. I post because I can, and reply because I should. My role here is the “dissenting opinion”.

      Thank you for clarifying your metaphor; I wasn’t sure you were using the ‘terminally-ill loved one’ phrase in exactly that way. But my question still stands. If your loved one was dying, wouldn’t you still visit them, so that their last hours might be spent in your company? If you say no, then one might conclude that you also don’t think highly of other people.
      Just because you cannot cure them does not mean you should not comfort them.


      • L Says:

        I think I will start with the end first. Yes, I would visit a terminally ill loved one. I think you missed my point. Our Nation is becoming dark, and unpleasant or possibly dying. Traveling should be pleasant, and enjoyable, but traveling in this time is comparable to traveling to visit a terminally ill loved one. You want to go, but you also know it won’t be the same happy visit.

        You say you don’t believe in any God, but how do you justify your existence? There are things in history, and artifacts that prove the Bible. Do you dispute facts?

        I think this blog is open to questions about God. I will always have questions. I have done some fact checking on my own as well as personal experiences that make me firm in my faith in God, and Jesus our savior.

        I would challenge you to read the Bible, and question everything. Search for the truth yourself. If you don’t read the Bible from beginning to end as you would a history book though it will be hard to grasp.

        The first time I was able to read the Bible, and understand some of what was said I started with the New Testament. You might try that.

        So, how about my challenge? Are you up for it?


  8. GMpilot Says:

    L: I think you missed my point. Our Nation is becoming dark, and unpleasant or possibly dying. Traveling should be pleasant, and enjoyable, but traveling in this time is comparable to traveling to visit a terminally ill loved one. You want to go, but you also know it won’t be the same happy visit.
    I got your point. I’ll repeat mine; for most people, for most of history, the world has not been pleasant or safe. That unpleasantness varies only in degree. In, say, Chicago, food is plentiful, but so is violence. In Syria, there is a shortage of food and an over-abundance of angry men with rifles. But people travel to both places, for reasons of their own, usually with aid and comfort on their minds, trying to push back the dark in whatever way they can.
    There are people traveling right now because the place they came from is much darker than here, and they could probably explain that to you better than I could.

    You say you don’t believe in any God, but how do you justify your existence?
    Asking me to justify my existence is almost insulting.
    I obey the laws, I am kind to my family members, I treat friends and strangers with respect, I served in the armed forces, I pay my taxes, I’ve done both grunt work and volunteer work, I may have saved someone’s life, once…and you ask me to justify my existence? If I had done none of those things, my existence would still be justified merely by the fact that I am here. If I have to justify it to some ‘god’ then my existence has no justification, because it would no longer be mine, but the god’s. No one needs a god to make their life worthwhile.

    There are things in history, and artifacts that prove the Bible. Do you dispute facts?
    Show me these ‘things in history and artifacts that prove the Bible’ instead of simply declaring them, and we will talk. If they have been established as facts, then I will not dispute them.

    I think this blog is open to questions about God. I will always have questions. I have done some fact checking on my own as well as personal experiences that make me firm in my faith in God, and Jesus our savior.
    I too have always had questions, but at this site it’s been quoted that ”unbelievers will always have more questions than Christians have answers”. If you stop asking questions, thinking dies and dogmas are born.
    You may find some answers here, but don’t count on it.

    I would challenge you to read the Bible, and question everything. Search for the truth yourself. If you don’t read the Bible from beginning to end as you would a history book though it will be hard to grasp.
    Your challenge was accepted long ago; I have read the Bible. While it does describe certain historical events, it is strangely silent on some others, which makes it unreliable as a history book. History was my favorite subject in school; if I can read Thucydides, I can read Deuteronomy.

    The first time I was able to read the Bible, and understand some of what was said I started with the New Testament. You might try that.
    I did it the old-fashioned way: begin at the beginning, go on until you come to the end, then stop. You wouldn’t read any other book in the manner you describe, would you?

    So, how about my challenge? Are you up for it?
    Accepted. Come out swingin’!


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