The Play Along to Get Along RINOS

I must admit that I really liked Rubio, until I read this article:
GOP honchos now swooning over ‘amnesty man’
Debate performance ‘solidified his position as establishment frontrunner’

Rubio was a Tea Party “darling” – which helped get him elected to the Senate. Since then, however, he has mostly sided with the RINOS and establishment types. What a disappointment!

That, in combination with the terrible “budget deal” that cry-baby Boehner worked out with 0zero before leaving as speaker tells me that there are more “establishment” Republicans (RINOS) in the House than previously suspected. Ryan will, sadly and unfortunately, probably turn out to be Boehner #2.

I wonder…are there dozens of Republicans in Congress who have skeletons in their closet and therefore play along to get along so that they don’t end up like pedophile/pederast Hastert? This BADministration most likely digs up dirt on EVERYONE, and there are most likely only a few in the GOP that could survive against accusations being hurled at them! And, if exposed, such sins would cost them everything – job, family, money, reputation etc. Therefore, they are content to let our debt explode and let 0bamafraud get his way – and to H&LL with We the People!

I am finding myself only willing to trust Dr. Ben Carson and maybe Ted Cruz. However, there are claims that according to the U.S. Constitution, Cruz may not be eligible. *Sigh* What is a born-again Christian conservative woman like myself supposed to do?

Trump irritates me! (I know, many reading here might support him but sorry I must be truthful). However, what is said about him and is evidenced about how his adult children have thrived and not fallen into the evils of society (e.g. the drug culture) says a lot about the good kind of father he has been. That’s a plus in my book!

Perhaps the only way that the evil establishment cartel in Babylonian-like Washington D.C. will be brought down is by an outsider.

Reagan was the last Republican “outsider” that got into the presidency, but he must have been kept in line (assassination attempt?) not to reveal what’s REALLY going on with the elites who are pushing towards a socialist/communist/totalitarian/pro-Islamic stew of deceit which is purposely designed and h&ll-bent on destroying our Constitution and this nation!

Well, thanks for reading. One day, the truth will come out and be known about 0zero and I pray that it will awaken those who are still oblivious to the harm that he and those before him have perpetrated upon our beloved nation!

Num 32:23 “But if you do not do so, then take note, you have sinned against the LORD; and be sure your sin will find you out.

Hat Tip: WND

Hat tips to all additional links.

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