What I’m Voting for in 2024. *Updated after the verdict!*

Note: The original meme that I posted here didn’t show up. Hopefully, I can find it again and repost.

Update on 6/7/24:

George HW Bush funeral envelopes revealed in above video.


I agree with Mark Levin!

Meanwhile, here are more:

H/T: @Brn2Wander on Truth Social who also wrote:

“For those suffering from TDS you might want to reconsider your stance. Best thing I read this morning.

There is a Tic Tok video on Truth Social about this, but I’ll just share the dialog:

Goz1911 wrote: Judge Merchan has ruled against him again and again.

Finally Donald Trump lost his temper and said, “What a moron!”

The judge, flushed with anger, shouted, “$1,000 fine!”

“$1,000 dollars?!” Trump said. “I said three words.”

“Those three words were contempt of court,” the judge said, “and that’s a $1,000 fine.”

Mr. Trump got out his wallet and started looking through it.

Thinking there’s been a misunderstanding, Judge Merchan calmed down a bit and said, “you don’t have to pay now.”

Mr. Trump, “No, I’m just checking to see if I have enough cash on me for two more words…. just two more!” #TheHashTagChat #XTeam #KangarooCourt #witchhunt #Trump2024 #TrumpWon #TrumpTruths #2024TrumpTruths #AmericaFirst #realdonaldtrump😂🤣👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


We see the evidence of “Trump derangement syndrome,” but those who are sadly “under that spell” are likely few and far between. It has been nice to see videos of people who have changed their mindset, and now see the criminology on the deranged Dem left, so they have changed their minds and will vote for Trump.

The truth is that Donald J Trump won the 2020 election, but the cheating was allowed to take place in order to wake up Americans to the fact that such cheating has gone on for decades!

Recall the “hanging chads” debacle in Florida during the Bush vs. Gore election? I thought Bush was a good choice over Gore, but now that the truth will come out about him and his criminal father (search the Bush Sr. funeral cards given out).

Found this one, but it’s blurry:

There are lots of video clips at the funeral that recorded the reactions of those in attendance who got the cards in their funeral programs. The look 👀 of shock on Jeb’s face was unmistakable! And, all of the other criminals there who got the cards knew what was coming.

I can truly say that the only votes for President that I’m proud and happy about were for Reagan and Trump! When all of the truth comes out about the special operations that have been going on for 8+ years via the White Hat Military, under the command of CIC Donald J. Trump, I pray 🙏🏻 that the truth will set us all free from the deep state cabal and all of the criminality that these satanic evil doers have inflicted upon our nation and people for decades!

I continue to pray for the success of this mission, and that our nation and people will have a great, prosperous, safe, and better future!

Welcome to The Great Awakening!


Posted from President Trump…I mean “il Donaldo Trumpo” a few minutes ago. 😉

Ya think he knows something we don’t? 🤔

Stay tuned!

H/T: @mysteriousPA


Big shoutout to everyone involved in the NYC Kangaroo sham show trial.

You just guaranteed Trump victory in 2024.

Maybe people in this country will finally wake up now to how evil the Democrat party communists are.

They are hell bent on destroying this country.

My prediction is Trump will win a Reagan type landslide.

@disgustedvet wrote (prior to the “guilty” verdict):

“As they complete Closing Arguments, Remember this fact in the post below

Nothing Else matters to them.

I would venture to say that even if 1 Juror says not guilty, the narrative will be that 11 said he was guilty

But, I think the fix is in, and he’ll be found guilty. I’m not sure if they’ll put him in prison, or just use the “Convicted Criminal” line 24/7. Putting him in prison risks a massive uprising. I think they want to do harm without waking the bear.

Also, leave room for the possibility that Trump Wants this to all play out, so that people wake up. If you believe that Trump running for President was something in the works for a very, very long time, who knows what planned stories were created many years ago.”


“Don’t be surprised If/When a group of biased jurors in NY City goes along with the “Get Trump” agenda

There was absolutely no proof. The Cabal side Proved absolutely nothing.

They had a convicted perjurist as their star witness, who perjured himself yet again during his testimony

They had a porn star that had sex on film for money, who stated she hated Trump, give testimony of absolutely no relevance

They didn’t even say what the Felony Crime was until after Trump’s side couldn’t speak any more, and the NY court doesn’t even have jurisdiction of the Federal crime they cited

It is a Kangaroo court, a side show, and it is meant to wake people up to how far America has fallen

See this through until the end.”

Update at 2:51 pm PT!


President Trump speaks after the bogus verdict.


People are seeing how bogus this verdict was! They have been observing all the ways that President Trump was denied due process. This has happened for a reason! Stay tuned for more information here, as I gather it over the next several days.

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6 Responses to “What I’m Voting for in 2024. *Updated after the verdict!*”

  1. GMpilot Says:

    I’ll be waiting.



    Starting with “hanging chads”- the last non electronic voting machine election; what is with the funeral stuff? That only confused me; Bush Sr is an entire subject in corruption all by himself. A former head of the CIA and globalist.

    You’d made some good points; I don’t want to go on a rant, even Reagan did some weird stuff, courtesy of the CIA. The image above that chad statement was enough, the rest is information overload.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. christinewjc Says:

    Hi Partnering With Eagles,

    Yes, I covered a lot of topics in this post, so it was likely a bit overwhelming!

    The notes given out to many attendees (including the Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas) at the George W. Bush Sr. Funeral, was a confession of guilt (written and signed by GWBush Sr.) involving all 3 families. I will search for the video that shows the shock of many who got the notes, and will also find written information that reveals the confession of crimes done by these horrible people! Hopefully, I can add the video in this original post (since I can’t post videos in comments). Or, I can put links to additional videos sharing huge information about their evil deeds.

    Thanks for reading & commenting here!


    Liked by 1 person

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