Palm Sunday and the Significance of Jesus’ Triumphal Entry into Jerusalem

Dear Readers,

This is one of the best posts about Palm Sunday. In 2015, Passover fell on Good Friday.  It is known by most Christians that the crucifixion, death, three days in the grave, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus Christ was all in fulfillment of Passover.  [Note: click on the link above to read the entire post.]

In addition, we should also recognize the significance of Palm Sunday and how Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem, riding on a lowly donkey, is deeply related to the time in history when King David was rejected by Israel:

…historically and geographically – to a particular event and place in Israel’s past that would resonate with the tens of thousands of Jews who had come to Jerusalem from throughout the Roman world to celebrate this Passover.

To see what they saw, we have to go back to about 975 B.C. to a time when King David was rejected by Israel and driven into exile by his own son.

It’s a fascinating story and well worth a read, but for the sake of time, we’ll focus on those details Jesus used – and the details his contemporaries, who were hoping for the restoration of David’s throne and the return of Solomon’s golden age, would have recognized.

You can read all the details at WND.

Have a blessed Palm Sunday!

~ Christine ✝️📖🙏🏻

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