Supreme Court Roasts Trump Ballot Challengers: TOTAL HUMILIATION, “President Trump HAS NOT BEEN CHARGED with insurrection.”

In case you haven’t heard about this huge development yet, here is a link to Pam Geller’s report.

This is just one example (but a huge one!) demonstrating that the media of mass deception hypes up a false claim about President Trump for weeks, months, or in this case…years! This is why millions now get the truth of any matter elsewhere! 

The great news is that Americans are now waking up in droves! They have turned off the massive lies spewed by the 🤥 media, and are getting the truth via podcasts, websites, blogs, and from more trusted online social media sites…like Truth Social! It’s so great to see this all happening in real time! The truth WILL (and does) set us free!

~ Christine 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Talk about a setup!

This meme link to the podcast will wake up millions in order to see the truth!

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