VERY Revealing Video and Explanation About What is Being Done to Save America!

Dear Readers,

There have been many Patriots (especially at Truth Social) who have been alarmed at all that is being done (more clearly, NOT being done!) to prevent the tsunami of illegals crossing and coming into our country at our southern border. I felt the same way!  And after I watched and listened to Dave’s latest video report, he shares exactly “why it had to be this way!” PLEASE watch it and listen carefully, then SHARE it! Americans are now waking up in droves, and it’s wonderful to be a witness to that fact! Why are they waking up? Because they are seeing the deep state playbook being forced upon all Americans, to the detriment of our Nation! We can use and share this very highly important video message with others today!

I have seen and heard President Trump saying that as President in 2024, he will deport many of them. Perhaps there will be a proper method to citizenship in the future. Meanwhile, the genius of this man and plan, is to WAKE up the people so that they will now SEE how the election cheating methods are done! Then, it will hopefully be prevented for future elections! The cheating tools will all be exposed and will result in preventing them from happening in all future elections.

ALL of the American people must see this, in order to WAKE UP from their complacency and/or lack of knowledge that such methods have been used to cheat in elections for decades! I’m not sure when it all started, but recall the “hanging chads” in Florida during the Bush v. Gore election in 2000? The Supreme Court made the decision. I recall being “relieved” back then when Bush “won” over Gore. But now that I have been awakened regarding all of the horrible criminality involved with the Scherff (real name) “Bush” family, I’m sad and appalled! I regret all of my past presidential votes, except for President Ronald Reagan and President Donald J. Trump!

If you are led to share your opinions about this video, please share your views in the comment section! Thank you 😊 and God bless!

~ Christine ✝️📖🙏🏻🇺🇸👏🏻

Posted here too, for your convenience!

H/T: Centinel2012

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