Mistakes Were Not Made. An Anthem for Justice (by Margaret Anna Alice; read by Dr. Tess Lawrie)

Shared at Truth Social by Gary Won’t Back Down:


Dr. Tess Lawrie :

“It was all PLANNED…

Do NOT let them get away with it”

Incredible speech👇🔥


Covid_19 #Agenda2030 #NWO

We were terrorized…

By those in whom we had placed our trust!

🇺🇸 #WTPAFU #XTeam #TCD 🇺🇸
🐸 @Gary_WontBackDown 🐸

Dear Readers,

This is a very sobering video, to say the least! I tried to tell people NOT to get the experimental jab. No one listened to me. Only my friends & their families who came to the same conclusion as I did, also decided not to get the vax!

I have shared the following information here in the past, but thought I’d include it with this post.

Do you remember when Donald Trump talked about HCQ? He said he had directed the Covid team to distribute 100,000,000 doses? People forget. Trump had Covid before there was a jab and got over it. Told people what his treatment was. The congress did not take it. Seems a few doctors have said they treated some congressmen with Ivermectin.


What good would it do now for him to admit that the deep state jabs were bio weapons made to purposely reduce the population (the DS goal…NOT his!) ?  Think long & hard about it!  It wouldn’t do any good!  It would be playing right into the hands of those who wanted to get rid of him as President.  

People had the choice to take it or not ( just like every year re: the flu vaccines), which often resulted in making people ill, too!  Over the years, flu vaccine takers became sick and died.  The public always had a choice to take the flu vaccine, or not.  Was anyone else held responsible for their choices?  People still ignorantly take the flu vaccines.  Why?  Because they trust their doctors?  The medical community made a lot of $$$$ pushing the Covid shots.  Were they just ignorant about it, or did they not care who lived or died as a result?  This whole “experiment” has been a test for us all.  I begged loved ones not to get it.  They wouldn’t listen.  Would the haters of President Trump have changed their minds about getting the Covid shots if he said not to take it?  I highly doubt it.  All they would do is mock him, ridicule him, blame him, and attack his character even more viciously.  We are, and have been in a war since then.  It’s an unconventional war, to be sure…but an actual war nonetheless.  IMHO, no single person could have changed that scenario, and only would have “played into the hands” of the haters to get him prosecuted for one more thing besides all of the other indictments that they have forced upon him right now! The good news is that these other indictments are now all failing in court.

I know that you will never become convinced that this whole bio weapon scenario was handled as best as possible by Trump and his administration.  The fact that Congress was declared exempt from taking it should have set off alarm bells in everyone’s minds to choose NOT to take the experimental shots!  Don’t worry.  I won’t try to convince you that what was done and how it was handled was the best way to give people the choice.  The blank paper inside the Covid shot box was enough for millions to reject taking the experimental drug.  And, the FACT that it was labeled “experimental,” caused the ultimate rejection of ever being able to mandate its use!  That fact was KEY to saving millions of lives!  That’s why Trump makes that claim.  Was he in a “no win” situation with this?  I think so.  Unlike you, I choose not to blame him for how it was handled.  You have the absolute right to choose to blame him, of course.  We will just need to “agree to disagree” about it all.

I read recently that the Amish community immediately rejected ever taking the Covid shot.  Smart community & people!  We all had that same choice and each person is responsible for making that choice, no matter what encouragement to take it was made and/or precautions, opinions, and incentives were made that encouraged people to get the experimental drug.

Lastly, my comment about the video above which was found on Truth Social:

This was a very sad and sobering message. 😞 The worst part is, I know people who still would never admit that the vax was a bio weapon. I learned early on that HCQ and the Zelenko protocol…then later Ivermectin, worked to cure those infected with the virus. I used the Zelenko protocol + Ivermectin when I did get sick. I wouldn’t take the test kits after the second one burned inside my nose so badly! I begged loved ones not to get the vax. Many didn’t listen. One came down with Covid recently, and his doc prescribed Paxlovid. It was very bad for his digestive system. He would not listen to me when I offered the Zelenko protocol + Ivermectin. All I can do now is pray he’ll be ok. I keep all loved ones who got the jab, covered in prayers 🙏🏻 to Jesus✝️ for their survival.


Medical exemptions cards to print out:

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