What Is Memorial Day All About?

When young people today are asked about what Memorial Day is all about, you get terribly ignorant and sad answers like the ones given to Jesse Watters in this video.

These people need to watch this World War II video!   In fact, it should be required viewing in all high schools!

But the liberal, leftist, progressive, LGBTQ “leaders” of the maniacal asylums called “public schools” these days, want to dumb down our children and grandchildren in order to indoctrinate them against the biblical principles of their parents and grandparents.

Instead, they are intent on their “destroy the natural family” meme and goals,  through brain-dirtying children’s minds into what we are currently seeing today.  The recent insanity of the transgender “bathroom wars” is just one clear example of how truly ridiculous and unnecessary it all is! It’s truly awful and such a shame!

If only they knew what The Greatest Generation did for America and the world!


If only they knew what our military men and women endured in WWII –  and the blood, treasure, and lives that it took to stop the fanaticism

of Nazi Germany,



Imperial Japan,


and Communist Russia!

Let’s not forget El Duce Mussolini!



If only the young people today – who have obviously not learned the truth and horrors of the past – could learn and vividly see how such fanaticisms back then led to gross evil, sin, indoctrination, and death!  Then perhaps they would have their blinded eyes opened in order to see the truth and break away from today’s evil indoctrinations!   These are not limited to, but do include the anti-Christian hatred driven by those who hate God and the Bible, the rise of radical Islamic terrorism, the phony global warming meme [Update: John Coleman has died. May he rest in peace.], and all of the lurid sexual deviancies being pushed as “normal”!

If only they would go to the Bible to learn absolute Truth!



If only they knew God’s Word…then they could gain the mind, will, soul, spirit and intellect in order to escape the satanic lures of indoctrination being inflicted upon them!



Thanks to all in the military who serve today.

Thanks to those who served back then, all of those who were injured and all who gave their lives in order to end the awful, but necessary carnage of WWII. In addition, we thank all who fought, bled, were injured, and died in the subsequent wars since then.

It pains me to think that there are so many generations (especially since the baby boomer generation)  that don’t even know or appreciate the horrors of the hard-fought war of WWII for the sakes of all born afterwards who now enjoy life, liberty, freedom and justice.

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25 Responses to “What Is Memorial Day All About?”

  1. GMpilot Says:

    Memorial Day is for honoring our war dead.
    Veterans’ Day is for honoring our war living.

    It has nothing whatever to do with public education, or ‘LGBTQ leaders’. It does not concern itself with radical Islamic terrorism, nor climate change, nor ‘lurid sexual deviancy’. It is not to mark the end of the school year, nor for celebrating the beginning of summer, nor for merchants to hold sales. It is for remembering our war dead.

    Memorial Day was established after the Civil War, which remains the bloodiest conflict the USA has fought. While we should certainly give due credit to those who fought and died in WWII, it was not the only war we’ve been in.

    Some people these days say that the Civil War was based on “states’ rights”, one of which was the right to continue to own human beings as property, and to expand that “right” across other states as the nation grew. Most of those Confederate soldiers had no personal stake in slavery, but they fought for it, and their way of life, just the same.

    It includes a three-month war with Spain, triggered by the destruction of a US warship in Cuba, which resulted in our occupying the Philippines, which was followed by an insurrection there which continued for years.

    It includes our first “Cold War”, when we actually fought skirmishes against the Bolsheviks in northern Russia in the months immediately after WWI. (They don’t teach that in school either!)

    It includes Korea, the so-called “forgotten war” (unless, of course, for re-runs of M*A*S*H) and Vietnam, which even today people are often reluctant to talk about…especially when Agent Orange is still killing the men who breathed it in forty-five years ago.

    It includes our current Asian adventure, which is now well into its second decade, and which, again, some people don’t want to talk about…especially the ones who sent them there to attack the wrong country.

    We’re supposed to honor all of them, too. After all, they only did what we told them to do.

    Memorial Day is for honoring our war dead. Veterans’ Day is for honoring our war living. It’s as simple as that.
    This is your blog, so anything else you want to rage about is your own business, of course. But I consider it inappropriate for this day. You dishonor the memory of your father (and my father) by doing so. They are no longer concerned with the affairs of this world.


    • christinewjc Says:

      I don’t see anything wrong with THANKING those who serve in the military today. They deserve our heartfelt thanks on each and every day.

      You are entitled to your own opinions…but so am I.


    • The Night Wind Says:

      I’ve been writing about this subject a lot lately, including today:


      The cultural rot that we are experiencing today has a LOT to do with the holiday. That’s because a military comprised of citizen-soldiers like ours is going to be only as effective as the society that produces it. Dumbed-down, politically-corrected schools, and feminized LGBTQ culture is going to produce a dumbed-down, emasculated military.

      A lot of Conservatives seem to be operating under this notion that there’s some great undercurrent of ‘Real Americans’ out there who are suddenly going to wake up, like Frederick Barbarossa, and save us at the last moment. The reality is that today’s military reflects what we have become. As Reagan said above, we are one generation away from losing our freedoms; well, we’ve lost the last generation and they are now all that stands between us and slavery at this point.

      Criticizing what the military has become is not dishonoring the military. What today’s military has become is a disgrace,

      Liked by 1 person

      • christinewjc Says:

        Hi Nightwind,

        I tried to write the following comment in answer to your Memorial Day Musings post at your blog, but wasn’t successful. Here is the comment:

        So sad to see the terrible truth of what you have written happening over the course of my lifetime. I shake my head in disbelief at how far down the tubes of evil that 0bummer and his ilk at the State Dept. and in the Pentagon have taken our military members. They don’t even listen to the top brass! The civilian overlords are trying to crush all branches of the military. Once this awful and ugly regime is gone, I pray that we will be led in the proper direction through right choices in the next administration.

        This nation is in deep need for a God-fearing, unapologetic Christian re-awakening. It’s the socialist/commie/Alinskyites currently in gov’t that are doing everything they can to destroy our nation, ravage our moral compass, demolish God’s ideas, creation, and design for marriage and the family; with the ultimate purpose of laying to waste all that is good in the world. The rest of the socialist and satanic garbage that they want to inflict upon our people is just a tactic…a means to an end to smash, demolish, and devastate all that God has offered for good to mankind.

        Thanks for telling it like it is in this post.

        We are in the End Times. Jesus told us that it would be “as in the Days of Noah and as in the Days of Lot.” We are there. We continue to pray for revival through repentance if the Lord should tarry. But when the day comes where the age of Grace ends, I know that I’m ready to be with Jesus.


      • The Night Wind Says:

        Thanks for the positive feedback! This is a process that’s been going on for a long time in our culture (at some point I’ll write a post about how it operates). The Cultural Marxists have been working on a ‘hostile takeover’ of American society since the 1960s. Obama’s a product of it, but it didn’t originate with him.

        The change really has to start with the people themselves. I just don’t know whether or not the American people have it within themselves to do it or not anymore.


  2. christinewjc Says:

    They called it Decoration Day so many years ago,

    We’d dress our bikes with crepe paper to let our neighbors know,

    Our pride was in the best place yet for all of us to grow,

    Though times have changed and so have hearts, we still can live with pride,

    We can’t escape the price once paid, with lives that now have died,

    Those precious lives preserved our own, along with eyes that cried.

    So stay with us, dear Father God, and guide our country’s way,

    Protect her from all tyranny and never let her stray,

    Defend this country, keep her safe, God bless the USA.

    Kathy Boecher©

    H/T: The Isaiah 53:5 Project

    Life: the time God gives you to determine how you spend eternity.


  3. GMpilot Says:

    I don’t see anything wrong with thanking them either, but you didn’t bother to mention that in your rant.
    You were just full of vitriol about what other people are doing and saying, and about how terrible they are, and not a single word about living servicemembers passed through your processor.

    Memorial Day is for honoring the dead; that’s why it’s called Memorial Day. To remember them, and what they did. Because they are now past caring about what you may say of them.

    We have plenty of men and women who, in their memories, are still in Khe Sanh and Fallujah, many years later. Do you think they want to hear about your obsession with non-gender-specific bathrooms? I can assure you that such things are way down on the list of priorities when one is being shot at.


    • christinewjc Says:

      GM, did you not view the Jesse Watters video (link within post) where so many young people (who were asked basic questions about the wars fought for our nation) had no idea about who fought whom, when and where throughout history?

      Read Nightwind’s post at his ( or her?) blog. Explains even better than I the points that we were trying to make.


      • GMpilot Says:

        Christine, the 1939 freshman class of Princeton voted Adolf Hitler as the greatest living person.
        They probably felt differently about that five years later, while slogging through the forests of France and Belgium.

        What those young people said in that video may be shocking to you, but not to me. As the above paragraph illustrates, this abysmal ignorance isn’t new.
        Of course they know nothing about such things! History, to them, is only something they read about, and it probably bores them to tears. They don’t realize that history is what they’re living in, as well. They don’t travel much; either they never leave the US or they only go to the places that fall within reach of travel agencies—and never go beyond them.
        Of course, military service might change that perspective…but we abolished the draft over forty years ago, and that has led to a more professional but less representative military, where the society inside reflects (as it always does) the society outside.

        Maybe I’m being a bit harsh. After all, how many people knew where Pearl Harbor was before 12/7/41? How many of those young people could find Pearl Harbor on a map now? How many could tell you the name of the state capitol?
        But yet again, that has nothing at all to do with the meaning of Memorial Day. Some places in the former Confederacy don’t even observe it on the same date as the official one—but in the end, it’s still about remembering the dead.


      • The Night Wind Says:

        The abysmal ignorance IS something new; and even worse, it is being combined with deliberate disinformation in our public schools. We were required (1970s & 80s) to learn states and capitals, nations and their forms of government, and the US presidents—in GRADE SCHOOL. Today, US history is taught as a class-struggle against a racist patriarchy run by religious bigots and economic exploiters. That’s not an exaggeration. I’ve seen HS and college course outlines. Some of the textbooks written for schools and universities are authored by professed Communists.

        It’s no matter that some Americans admired Hitler, Mussolini, and Stalin back in the 20s and 30s—all those governments had tightly-controlled propaganda machines feeding the Western media false information. And not all Americans liked these guys, either. In the 1936 US Elections, the Fascists got just under 2% of the vote; and the Socialist/Communists just under 1% combined.

        Liked by 1 person

      • christinewjc Says:


        Do you know why I was not able to write my comment at your blog? I see that you are on Blogger, but there was a choice to post via WordPress. Unfortunately, it didn’t work when I filled out the information.

        I appreciate all that you have shared here on this topic. Since I cannot reply to your posts at your blog, I will continue to comment about them here.


      • The Night Wind Says:

        I’ve had the same problem trying to go to WordPress. I think that if you’re outside Blogger, you have to type in your name and e-mail (that’s what I have to do to comment here)


  4. christinewjc Says:

    To “John,”

    I am holding your comment because it seems to me that you wrote it in order to disparage the beliefs held dear to me (and other Christians) here at this blog. Your opinion that, “It’s not about God and the Bible” shows that you are totally ignorant about God’s Word and you most likely do not even belong commenting here.

    You are wrong – life in general is ALL about God and the Bible; and especially about His Son, Jesus Christ.

    You appear to be just one of those “drive by” haters who place his own opinions and beliefs above God and His Living Word – Jesus Christ, as well as His written Word – the Bible.

    Please note the following Bible verses that tell where the beginning of knowledge resides.

    Pro 1:7

    The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge,
    But fools despise wisdom and instruction.

    Pro 9:10

    “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom,
    And the knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.

    2Pe 2:20

    For if, after they have escaped the pollutions of the world through the knowledge of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, they are again entangled in them and overcome, the latter end is worse for them than the beginning.


  5. christinewjc Says:

    I just read Nightwind’s post entitled, Hiroshima Revisited. I encourage everyone to read it! I learned some new things!


    Obama was in the Japanese Empire today and causing controversy all along the way by visiting the memorial at Hiroshima. Akihito and the Imperial Cabinet were hoping to extract a formal apology for defeating Japan in WW2; but Obama only apologized in every symbolic way conceivable without actually saying those words. Now, the Tojos have never apologized for starting WW2, or any of the atrocities they committed during the war, or given up wartime territorial claims, or renounced the Cult of the Emperor. In fact, the spirit of The Master Race of Asia is very much alive and well among the Imperial leadership. It never actually went away after 1945; the Japanese aristocracy lost face in their defeat and, under the Shinto Code, await the day when they can avenge their disgraced ancestors.

    None of this ever discussed in contemporary America, mostly because Japanese Zaibatsus are heavily invested in Wall Street, the American media, academic endowments, and have extensive political lobbies. Like Saudi Arabia and the other Wahhabi sheikdoms, the Japanese Empire’s financial clout shields it from criticism in the United States.

    Now, the Empire encourages (i.e., bribes) the Academic Mafia over here to engage in considerable historical revisionism about the WW2 Pacific Theater. The US deployment of atomic weapons in August, 1945 is an especially irritating subject to them; being the direct cause of Japanese defeat.

    Continue reading HERE

    In the WWII documentary, (video link in original post) President Harry Truman surmised that the war would have gone on for many years and an estimated 250,000 more Americans would have lost their lives. Since Japan refused to surrender, the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima. When the Japanese Imperialist leaders continued to Kamikaze bomb and destroy our naval ships, Truman had no choice but to drop the second bomb at Nagasaki.

    Read the rest of Nightwind’s post.

    P.S. I found this quite chilling:

    It should be remembered that war is always the last resort for defense in a civilized society. The fact that we are an uncivilized society today and use the military for immoral purposes is no reflection on the state of society in the 1940s. Pearl Harbor was attacked the day before a peace treaty between the US and Japan—a fact often overlooked by historical revisionists.

    [Now], the Tojos have never apologized for starting WW2, or any of the atrocities they committed during the war, or given up wartime territorial claims, or renounced the Cult of the Emperor. In fact, the spirit of The Master Race of Asia is very much alive and well among the Imperial leadership. It never actually went away after 1945; the Japanese aristocracy lost face in their defeat and, under the Shinto Code, await the day when they can avenge their disgraced ancestors.


    • GMpilot Says:

      What Night Wind says isn’t new to me, and I’m not exactly a scholar.

      I have been to Hiroshima. It was a long time ago (the mid-’80s), and very brief—just a three-hour stopover—but I made it a point to go to the original Ground Zero. I looked at the skeleton of the building which is the symbol of the place, and I looked across the street at the park where children play, and I thought about both.

      If the Japanese are resentful about Hiroshima, they have only themselves to blame. They started the war which led up to that event.
      We were planning to invade Japan when we dropped those bombs, and knowing the tenacity of their soldiers in places such as Iwo Jima and Okinawa, we had no reason to think that they wouldn’t fight just as hard to protect the “sacred soil” of the home islands. We were anticipating as many as a million casualties, and hoped to have successfully ended the fighting by 1948. Those two bombs saved far more lives—on both sides—than they took. Even the Japanese themselves acknowledge this. (We only had those two bombs, but the Japanese had no way of knowing that. They thought we might have more, and they certainly knew we could build them, so they quit.)

      What they do not acknowledge, as Night Wind has pointed out, was their own behavior. By the time of the Pearl Harbor attack, Japan had been at war in China for fifteen years. They had set up a puppet government in the north (Manchukuo), but never succeeded in conquering the rest of the country; their soldiers were never safe outside the cities, and often not inside them, either.
      We know why they attacked us there; they wanted to turn the eastern Pacific into a Japanese lake, and simultaneously struck the only places that had a naval force powerful enough to oppose them: Singapore and Pearl Harbor. Once that was done, they believed they could finally exploit the resources of SE Asia (mostly oil) to bring the war in China to a successful conclusion.
      There are many people in that part of the world, from Seoul to Singapore, still alive, who remember the last time the Japanese came to town…and they don’t want a repeat. Politics, like nature, abhors a vacuum. If we leave the region, someone else will fill it—most likely the Chinese. (Some people don’t want that, either.)

      As you know, Christine, I lived in Honolulu for about twenty years. The legends are true; there is a sudden decrease in Japanese visitors to Pearl Harbor around December 7th every year, but it’s partly from respect, and partly from shame. The declaration of war was supposed to come a half-hour before the attack, not after, but the dignitaries in Washington did not know that—nor did they expect to be delayed in delivering the message. They handed us a propaganda advantage, and shamed themselves in the process. The code of bushido does not endorse treachery.

      There may be more, but I’ve other things to do now. Meanwhile, digest this.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. GMpilot Says:

    I’ve seen textbooks that support that claim as well, mostly in a State I once resided in. I’ve also seen textbooks that say that the Civil War was not about slavery, even though most Confederate documents clearly say it was. Some of the textbooks written for schools and universities are authorized by professed fascists. Agendas are not confined to any one individual or faction.

    I never said, nor implied, that all Americans liked Hitler or Mussolini or Stalin. But some people did, and some of these people were quite influential.
    In 1936, memories of the Depression were all too fresh. The nation was still struggling to stay on its feet, and no one wanted to hear any talk about the Communists—not with the news from Russia on the radio every day. Hitler was still a somewhat comedic figure, but he counted on the Olympics to change the public’s perception of him, and it mostly worked.

    But all that has nothing to do with what Memorial Day is all about—which was the topic of this thread. Memorial Day is not for analyzing the political or economic zeitgeist that ultimately led to the deaths of so many. It is for recognizing the fact that they are dead, and to honor their memory. The losers of a conflict do that just as much as the winners do; both sides are equal in their tragedy of the loss of so many lives.
    Memorial Day is for remembering the dead.


  7. christinewjc Says:

    Well…since my Dad died 21 years ago on May 30, 1995 and he fought in WWII, is it OK for me to remember him too? He didn’t die in the war, but I can still recognize and remember his service (just like those who actually died during the war), can’t I?

    Remembering Dad


    • GMpilot Says:

      You’re not really asking me for permission, are you?! Your father was a war veteran, but he’s no longer alive. That means he is one of the dead to be remembered. My father died in 1973, but he was just as much a veteran, and just as deserving of remembrance.
      What’s the problem?


  8. GMpilot Says:

    First, some clarifications.
    Memorial Day is for honoring the war dead. That’s the official declaration, although, as you say, one is entitled to one’s own opinion. Families who actually had a member killed in battle observe Memorial Day every day, but the 30th of May is when the whole nation observes it. Our fathers were veterans, because they came back alive, so the proper day to honor them is on 11 November.
    Also, at the time of Pearl Harbor, Japan had been at war for ten years, not fifteen; and I meant western Pacific, not eastern. Sorry about that.

    I’ve no idea what Night Wind means by the ‘Shinto code’. Shinto is the native religion of Japan. Vengeance is not part of its teaching. Perhaps he’s conflating it with the samurai code of bushido, the “way of the warrior”. Much like the classical knights of Western literature, the samurai lived by a very strict code and also fought for whatever cause they perceived as just. The tale of the 47 ronin is as famous in Japan as the Alamo is to Americans (a ronin was a samurai who had no nobleman to pledge himself to, and often considered disgraced). But again, by their own code, the treachery Night Wind seems to be hinting at is prohibited.
    The Emperor told his people to stand down, and because no Japanese (even in 1945!) would have dreamed of defying the Emperor’s orders, they stood down.

    Why do we always think the “other side” is capable of taking the long view, but no one on “our side” is? Are we less clever than they are, or do we just think we are?

    There was one more factor involved in Japan’s surrender. Nagasaki was bombed just before noon on 9 August, Japan time (it was still the evening of the 8th in California). But the Japanese Cabinet had already been in conference since early morning, because on the night before, the USSR had declared war on Japan.
    Unlike us, Stalin had the manpower to throw at them, AND he was willing to do so. He didn’t know we had a second bomb to use, but he’d heard about the results of the first one, and decided to seize whatever territory he could, in order to make claims as a belligerent against Japan when peace was finally declared. He took the Kuril Island chain; the four southernmost islands are claimed by Japan, and have been disputed ever since.

    But all this, again, has absolutely nothing to do with Memorial Day.

    Your original headline was “What is Memorial Day all about?” It’s about honoring the war dead. I’ve confirmed that from one source, and you have confirmed it from another.
    It’s also about 24 hours long…and it’s over now.
    Remember the dead, but show your gratitude to the living.

    Liked by 1 person

    • christinewjc Says:

      Even though your wrote, “all of this has nothing to do with Memorial Day,” I appreciate the history lesson.

      Thanks for the clarification re: Japan had been at war for 10 years and it was the western Pacific.

      Not to go too far off topic here, but where did the idea and despicable practice of Kamikaze death pilots come from? Was it a more evil development from the “samurai code of bushido, the “way of the warrior”?

      I find it interesting that Japan does not allow any Muslim immigrants into their country. Could that be because they had their own history of a kind of radical suicidal “jihadism” through the Kamikaze death pilots and thus recognized the dangers of such fanaticism entering into their nation?

      My daughter and son-in-law have visited Japan three times over the last 4 years. They tell me that the people there are so nice… and they love visiting Americans. They have shared some of the customs in Japan with me and it’s quite interesting.

      Back to the WWII era. I must admit that I was surprised that there were no apologies given by the Imperial Japan government (or even from designated subordinates) after surrendering in WWII; and no apologies given ever since that dreadful time in history.

      I thought it was disturbing that during his visit to Japan, 0bama made an implicit apology in Hiroshima. I agree with Charles Krauthammer that it dishonored our nation.


      • GMpilot Says:

        You’ll have to take this in short doses, because I’ll be out most of today. But, here you are.

        First: yes, the kamikaze was a development—some would say a perversion–of the samurai code. Second, you must realize that suicide is, to Japanese and other cultures, not ‘despicable’. To them it is often considered a form of atonement, the most sincere way of apologizing for having failed in their duty.
        In this case, that duty was stopping the Allied invaders. The armed forces had proved unable to defend the country (and the Emperor). The Japanese admiral who established the kamikaze corps used this logic as its basis, and there was never a shortage of volunteers for it.
        There were a number of reasons for the Special Attack Force (as it was called):

        – shortage of war materiel (more pilots than planes)
        no time to properly train those pilots (most of the experienced ones were dead)
        corrupted patriotism, i.e. “in the name of the divine Emperor”
        the martial code of bushido, which declares capture or surrender to be less honorable than death

        That last was the main reason the Japanese fought so tenaciously: they believed that we would treat them according to their standards, not our own. When you read of some of the atrocities their soldiers committed in the war, you can understand why they seldom let themselves be captured.

        It’s also a lot easier to train a pilot to ram a ship rather than simply bomb it. Even so, only about 20% of all such attacks actually hit a target.
        You really should get out more.

        I don’t suppose I could PM you the rest? This is really off-the-rails stuff.

        I’m glad you liked something I’ve said!


      • christinewjc Says:

        Hi GM,

        I will be busy with my daughter and granddaughter the next several days, but will check for comments and release them when I get time to go online.

        Small doses of what you want to share is fine with me!

        I didn’t know that only 20% of the kamikazee suicide missions were successful. Sounds like a very low percentage. I wonder…was “missing” the target done purposely or were they just incompetent?
        That documentary shared a few of the atrocities done by the Japanese to our American soldiers. So ugly, shameful, and evil. Gotta run but will be back tonight.


  9. About “Self- Identity…” | Talk Wisdom Says:

    […] Talk Wisdom's goal is to defend the tenets and values of Biblical Christian faith. We defend our Constitutional Republic and Charters of Freedom, especially when speaking out against destructive social and political issues. As followers of our Savior and Lord, we should boldly stand up for Jesus Christ in our present circumstances. He is our Savior, Lord, and King, and His love needs to be shed abroad in our hearts and in our world – now. « What Is Memorial Day All About? […]


  10. Memorial Day, 2018 | Talk Wisdom Says:

    […] What Is Memorial Day All About? […]


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