Rush: Liberals see right wing as bigger threat than Islam.

WND has an article up today where radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh makes the claim that conservatives are a bigger threat to liberals than Islam.

Rush: Liberals see right wing as bigger threat than Islam
‘The left thinks we’re unjust and immoral’


“Who are their biggest enemies? Christians, conservatives, right wingers. The left, which is Islam – militant Islam is on the left, just as the Democratic Party is,” Limbaugh continued. “Take a look their common political opponents or other kinds of enemies. It’s us, folks. This is the thing that a lot of people can’t get through their heads. We had 9/11. We had Fort Hood. Do you have Obama condemning it? Obama will not condemn it.”

Limbaugh went on to say that Europe is importing its own destruction, given that Islamic radicals have vowed to use Western freedom as a tool to bring about its destruction. The host said the cultural transformations happening in Europe give Americans a glimpse into their own future unless they act now.

“For some reason, Obama and his crew do not look at Islam as a threat to their power. Terrorism is a threat to their power, but they see that in us. We are a threat to their power – and we are. We’re trying to take it away from them. We’re trying to beat them in elections. That’s not allowed. That will not happen. We pose too big a threat to them. They could peacefully co-exist with all these other people. They’re on the same place in the political prism. They’re both out there on the left. Both have the same common enemy: The United States, Great Satan.”

Limbaugh said liberals find America an unjust and immoral place because its founding included slavery, while Islamic terrorists come to the same conclusion because the U.S. is populated with infidels.

“You listen to the ex-president of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and you couldn’t tell the difference in what he says about America than Joe Biden on the campaign trail, or Obama,” said Limbaugh.

“They talk about this country in identical ways. They talk about Republicans in identical ways. We are their biggest threat, making us their central enemy. The American left, Democratic Party, and liberalism worldwide, its enemy is conservatism. Conservatism, if ever it succeeded – really succeeded – would vastly shrink the source of power, wealth and existence for all these people, and that is government.”


I found the following photo back in 2010 which was taken during an anti-Israel march in San Fransicko.

Notice what is in the photo below.  The man holding the sign is wearing Muslim terrorist garb.  The man walking next to him is wearing a commie red t-shirt with the image of Che Guevara!

How ironic that the Muslim man is holding that sign (below)!  Here’s a quote from Che Guevara that may explain their union of nefarious ideologies:

“I don’t care if I fall as long as someone else picks up my gun and keeps on shooting.”

Che Guevara

H/T Brainy Quote

I wish that more Americans would heed Ronald Reagan’s advice:

Ronald Reagan

“How do you tell a Communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”

Ronald Reagan

I must admit that I found it confusing when I first heard about the march and saw that photo! However, by the year 2013, it became much clearer why these two evil ideologies would march together in anti-Israel solidarity!

Tolerance is a crime when applied to evil (Thomas Mann).
(H/T – Atlas Shrugs)

The following is an excerpt from my former Talk Wisdom blog essay entitled, Why The Unholy Alliance of Islam and Communism? Taqiyya?

What those two men (seen in photo below, marching together, BTW, in an anti-Israel demonstration during the Bush presidential years) represent is the forming of an alliance between radical Islam and Communism!  Also, notice what the sign says:  “Thank You S.F. (San Francisco) Liberals – You Die Last.”  How ANYONE could possibly support either group is beyond any semblance of reason!  Liberals are being USED by both!  Yet they are either complicit in either ideology or just too damn ignorant to realize it!

I thought that the evil alliance of radical Islam and Communism (Putin and his ilk) would one day need to battle against each other for dominance of the world. This may still happen. Perhaps the caliphate-hungry Iran is using Communist Putin in the usual Muslim deceptive tactics known as al Taqiyya?  Muslims might join together and tolerate Communists in an old taqiyya-style kind of temporary alliance.  Why?  Because of their joined hatred of Israel!  They are uniting with the intended plan of making a future collaborated attempt at destroying Israel!

But then, which one [Islam or Communism] will ultimately win out?

Well, this terrorist’s quote shows what radical Islam believes:

“Sons of Islam everywhere, the jihad is a duty – to establish the rule of Allah on earth and to liberate your countries and yourselves from America’s domination and its Zionist allies, it is your battle – either victory or martyrdom.”

Ahmed Yassin
H/T Brainy Quote

And, where does the U.S. fit into this picture?

If the Lord Jesus Christ tarries, then hopefully America will break free from this egregiously criminal ObamaFRAUD tyrannical government with a new conservative leader who will help get us back on track towards restoring our beloved Constitutional Republic!

If not, then we might very well be headed into the fulfillment of end times *prophecy.

Hat tips to all links.



Talk Wisdom at Word press posts on Bible Prophecy

For more on Bible prophecy, please see former Talk Wisdom blog posts:

Understanding Bible Prophecy

Prophecy Continually Being Fulfilled

Jerusalem Countdown

David’s Incredible Prophecy of Israel’s Enemies Today

Zechariah’s Warning to Bush and Condi

Discerning Signs of the Times

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6 Responses to “Rush: Liberals see right wing as bigger threat than Islam.”

  1. GMpilot Says:

    Is this the same Rush Limbaugh who swore he’d move to Costa Rica if the ACA was up and running in five years? Because it’s been almost a year since that deadline, and it seems he’s still around. I guess, in the end, it’s all about the dollars, and how many of them he can get.

    As always, the easiest job in the world is being Rush Limbaugh’s fact checker. If he’d done his homework, he’d know that in the USA a person is far more likely to be killed by overzealous police officers or homegrown religious (Christian) extremists than by members of ISIS. Most of the people on that list above would probably define themselves as conservative if they mentioned politics at all. Some of them were/are anarchists; they denounce the US government. They believe that “we the people” applies only to their circle of “sovereign citizens” or some such nonsense. Many of them, as the account shows, are deeply religious and highly motivated.
    But no one calls them terrorists.

    WND: Limbaugh said liberals find America an unjust and immoral place because its founding included slavery, while Islamic terrorists come to the same conclusion because the U.S. is populated with infidels.
    By sheer coincidence, a great many Christian terrorists also believe the U.S. is populated with infidels! They despise a government that’s secular and want to replace Big Brother with Big Daddy—with themselves as Daddy’s favorite, of course. Apart from the clothes and the language, I can see very little difference between the two. Both are religiously motivated, both use violence as their method of attaining political and social goals; both see their targets as representatives of their enemy, not as actual human beings; and both are willing to shun personal responsibility for their actions by committing suicide.

    BTW, neither Islam nor Communism will ‘win out’. Both are based on the suppression of individuality. In the end, the inquisitor and the commissar always lose.

    CJW: And, where does the U.S. fit into this picture?
    If the Lord Jesus Christ tarries, then hopefully America will break free from this egregiously criminal ObamaFRAUD tyrannical government with a new conservative leader who will help get us back on track towards restoring our beloved Constitutional Republic!
    If not, then we might very well be headed into the fulfillment of end times *prophecy.

    But you want that to happen, don’t you? The ascension of the dead, the disappearance of the living, the earthquakes and hurricanes and diseases, the wars with entire cities wiped from the face of the earth, the heaven-sent monsters reaping great swaths of humanity like pigs in an abattoir…and then at the very end, He returns to put a stop to it all and be worshiped by whomever is left. Aren’t you eager to experience all that?
    According to you, I’m the one who should be trembling in fear!


    • christinewjc Says:

      So… You had nothing to say in the other thread about the 353 Bible prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Christ?


      • GMpilot Says:

        So… You had nothing to say in the other thread about the 353 Bible prophecies fulfilled by Jesus Christ?
        No more than you had to say about whether I “got it” or not. I ‘let scripture interpret scripture’ (Matt 21:9 vs 21:43) as you like to insist.

        But I haven’t ignored them, nor forgotten them.


      • christinewjc Says:

        So…you will make the claim that “Scripture interpret[s] Scripture,” and you have written that you “haven’t ignored them, nor forgotten them.” Does all that mean that you have read them?

        In the intellectual world of statistics, the laws of probability teach us that it is an astronomical proof of the identity of the Messiah Jesus Christ because He has fulfilled 353 prophecies in the Bible.


      • GMpilot Says:

        Yes, all that means that I have read them. I’m willing to read what the other guy says, unlike some people I could mention.

        In the intellectual world of statistics, the laws of probability teach us that it is an astronomical proof of the identity of the Messiah Jesus Christ because He has fulfilled 353 prophecies in the Bible.
        “Astronomical proof” applies only to astronomy; one doesn’t have to believe there’s a moon in the sky, but claiming that it makes people into werewolves–that requires evidence!

        This would have been ideally suited to the website you used to have, not confined to tiny blogposts.
        So, do you expect me to examine each prophecy point by point? That could take years, and the world moves on. Or are there one or two unassailable prophecies that you’d like to dare me to dispute?

        More importantly, is this what convinced YOU?


  2. My Journey to Christ | Talk Wisdom Says:

    […] GM wrote:  Then follow this conversation with L, and learn from her. She gave me several specific claims, rather than try to sweep me away in a flood of data. If all of the claims are valid, than any one of them could have been chosen to make your point. At least she kept it to a workable handful. I asked you if you wanted me to go through all of them, saying, “So, do you expect me to examine each prophecy point by point? That could take years, and the world moves on. Or are there one or two unassailable prophecies that you’d like to dare me to dispute? More importantly, is this what convinced YOU?” And you never answered. […]


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