Jesus Said the Signs of the Times Would Be: ” As In The Days of Noah and As In The Days of Lot.”

America is now officially within what Jesus Christ warned about regarding the signs of depravity, sin, and evil which would point towards His return.  Jesus said it would be  As In The Days of Noah and As In The Days of Lot.

Joel C. Rosenberg had written a post back in March, 2015, which is entitled, Three existential threats facing America. (My address to the National Religious Broadcasters convention.)

Rosenberg first discusses Ezekiel chapter 33.  It is about the role of the “Watchman on the Wall.”   Rosenberg (as well as I) believes it is deeply relevant to our times.

Joel writes:

More than 2,500 years ago, the Lord spoke these words to the Hebrew prophet Ezekiel.

  • A man of God
  • Born in Israel
  • Exiled and living in Iraq
  • Amidst grave dangers rising

What was Ezekiel commanded to do? The text is clear.

  • Listen to God
  • Watch for threats
  • Warn the people, come what may

This was a divine calling – an enormous responsibility. And God was clear. Some would listen to Ezekiel’s warnings. Some would not. Ezekiel was not going to be held responsible for the decision others made to obey the Lord or not. He would be held responsible for obeying the Lord, teaching people the Word of God and warning the people when God told him to speak. Fortunately, Ezekiel was faithful to the task.

As followers of Jesus Christ — and as pastors and ministry leaders and religious broadcasters — each of you are, in our modern times, also watchmen on the walls. In many ways, you have the same calling. The same responsibility.

  • To listen to the Word of God, found in the Bible
  • To speak the Word of God — to tell people the bad news and the good news according to the Scriptures
  • To warn people of threats that are rising
  • To speak the truth in love, come what may

God warned Ezekiel — as He warns us today — that if He speaks and we don’t share His Word with others, we will be held to account. What’s more, if we see threats rising, and we do not warn people, we will be held to account.

In the first threat facing America, Rosenberg asks the question:

Threat #1 — What if America is not simply in a season of decline but heading towards collapse, towards implosion?

Within the list of “season of decline” threats we face here in America, he mentions one of the most important factors – the 58 million children in the womb that have been aborted since 1973. That awful Extreme Court decision has wreaked havoc upon the lives of many Americans – especially women! The question is whether or not we, who are called by the name of Jesus Christ will stand in the gap and continue to condemn the evil practice of abortion for the sake of saving this nation from judgment.

Joel writes:

Since 1973, Americans have aborted 58 million babies. Think about that — 58 million. It is a staggering number. And if something doesn’t happen soon to change course, in less than two years we will hit 60 million.

If this happens, we as Americans will have murdered ten times more human beings than the number of Jews murdered by the Nazis.

We know the judgment of God that fell upon Nazi Germany. What do we think is going to happen to a nation that exterminates ten times more people than the Nazis?

The judgment of Almighty God is coming. There is no way out. The souls of 58 million babies are crying out for justice – and they will get it. But for this to happen we need to be pleading with God to have mercy on us. We need to be calling people to prayer, fasting and above all repentance.

At this point in my post I would like to interject another “watchman on the wall” landmark decision which will be coming any day now…perhaps even today, June 26, 2015. The decision on whether or not the Supreme Court of the land will decide to sweep away state’s rights regarding the legality of same-sex “marriage”; and thus change the thousands of years definition that God gave us that marriage is the union of one man and one woman!

Well, the decision has just come down and in a 5-4 vote, the Extreme Court struck down individual state right to ban same-sex “marriage.”

Instinctively, I knew that this would happen. The “deciding” court justice – Kennedy – apparently has a lesbian sister. Who would think that this man would care about the constitutional rights of states to make these decisions? It’s apparently more important to make a decision this huge based on his own personal preferences, rather than what God says in the Bible about marriage; or what our Constitution says about states rights on such decisions.

America is now officially within what Jesus Christ warned about regarding the signs of His return.  Jesus said it would be  As In The Days of Noah and As In The Days of Lot.

Jesus was asked what would be the signs of the times on the earth to indicate his return?

Mat 24:37

“But as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.

Luk 17:26

“And as it was in the days of Noah, so it will be also in the days of the Son of Man:

Luk 17:27

“They ate, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all.

Luk 17:28

“Likewise as it was also in the days of Lot: They ate, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they built;

Luk 17:29

“but on the day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven and destroyed them all.

Luk 17:30

“Even so will it be in the day when the Son of Man is revealed.

Luk 17:31

“In that day, he who is on the housetop, and his goods are in the house, let him not come down to take them away. And likewise the one who is in the field, let him not turn back.

Luk 17:32

“Remember Lot’s wife.

Luk 17:33

“Whoever seeks to save his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life will preserve it.

There was an excellent post in my reader last night that explained the dire consequences of a sweeping same-sex “marriage” ruling for all 50 states here in America. I need to find it again. When I do, I will post it here.

Found it!  Here is a copy in its entirety:


The Supreme Court is set to decide whether or not there is a Constitutionally protected right to ‘gay’ marriage, but this is not what is actually being decided.  What is really being decided is whether or not rights can contradict.  The goal is to establish that rights can contradict because it opens the door for government to decide which rights take precedence over others.  I have already explained why rights cannot contradict and why.  This then begs the question as to why the Courts would even consider this case about ‘gay’ marriage.  The answer is simple: this is not about rights.  That claim is just propaganda aimed at creating an emotional appeal so you will not use reason to examine what is really happening.  However, if you can set the emotion aside and look at what is actually happening, you will quickly see that this is about giving the government a path to destroy the First Amendment!

The process is simple: if there is a ‘right’ to ‘gay’ marriage, then it suddenly becomes a ‘hate’ crime to oppose ‘gay’ marriage in any form.  This opens the door to the destruction of faith-based organizations.  It will not matter whether they are churches or businesses, they will have to comply with the government dictates or be shut down.  But it goes further than that.  If you are a doctor but disagree with homosexuality, you could lose your job.  Same for lawyers, firemen, police officers: anyone who disagrees with homosexuality will be at risk of government persecution.

You see, what the Supreme Court is actually about to rule on is whether or not the government has the authority to define bigotry and then use that as a justification to persecute anyone who has just been declared a bigot.  This is one of the reasons I write so much about language, both here, but especially on my other blog, The OYL.  If the government is allowed to redefine the meaning of words at will, then it does not matter what the law says: it will change according to the whims of the government.  This is the very definition of tyranny.  Yet, this is what the Supreme Court is about to decide: whether or not the government has dictatorial powers.

If you doubt me, consider this: what happens is someone you disagree with politically gets into power?  And once in power, that person reverses the definitions of words?  And hatred is suddenly defined as anyone who opposes Islam?  It may not bother you that Jews and Christians will still be persecuted, but now, so will homosexuals.  Yes, the court and law will still say you cannot ‘discriminate’ because of homosexuality, but the government will have just put the rights of Muslims over those of homosexuals.  So now, where the law will allow homosexuals to claim their rights over those of Christians, it will also support the rights of Muslims to exercise their rights over both homosexuals and Christians.  Now, just in case you do not understand what this means, I’ll explain: it means Christians will have to either convert to Islam, pay a punitive tax or die.  However, homosexuals only have one option — to die!

There are other scenarios that I could use to illustrate how this will work, but the point is this: it is not about ‘gay’ marriage, it is about opening a path to destroy the First Amendment.  It is about destroying the right to conscience, and by extension, freedom of expression. It is about the Supreme Court finally handing the government dictatorial powers as a matter of law.  But understand, if the Court does this, it will actually be destroying the law.  So this ruling is not about ‘gay’ rights: it is about the final destruction of the U.S. Constitution — period!

H/T: The Road to Concord

After reading that post over at “The Road to Concord,” I was reminded of a post I wrote back in 2010. At first, I was confused about the following photo which was taken in a “World Can’t Wait” protest march. The photo and brief excerpt below (written in 2013) describes what (and why) there is this unholy alliance of Islam and Communism.

Notice that the man holding the sign is wearing Muslim terrorist garb.  The man walking next to him is wearing a commie red t-shirt with the image of Che Guevara!

How ironic that the Muslim man is holding that sign (below)!  Here’s a quote from Che Guevara that may explain their union of nefarious ideologies:

“I don’t care if I fall as long as someone else picks up my gun and keeps on shooting.”

Che Guevara

H/T Brainy Quote

I wish that more Americans would heed Ronald Reagan’s advice:

Ronald Reagan

“How do you tell a Communist? Well, it’s someone who reads Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It’s someone who understands Marx and Lenin.”

Ronald Reagan


What those two men (seen in photo above), marching together, BTW, in an anti-Israel demonstration during the Bush presidential years) represent is the forming of an alliance between radical Islam and Communism!  Also, notice what the sign says:  “Thank You S.F. (San Francisco) Liberals – You Die Last.”  How ANYONE could possibly support either group is beyond any semblance of reason!  Liberals are being USED by both!  Yet they are either complicit in either ideology or just too damn ignorant to realize it!
Only one of these evil and nefarious ideologies will win out (meaning, here on this earth – in a temporary way – while the Lord Jesus Christ tarries) and the bloodbath will be ugly!  With all of this in mind, let’s re-read what  the author at The Road to Concord stated:

You see, what the Supreme Court is actually about to rule on is whether or not the government has the authority to define bigotry and then use that as a justification to persecute anyone who has just been declared a bigot.  This is one of the reasons I write so much about language, both here, but especially on my other blog, The OYL.  If the government is allowed to redefine the meaning of words at will, then it does not matter what the law says: it will change according to the whims of the government.  This is the very definition of tyranny.  Yet, this is what the Supreme Court is about to decide: whether or not the government has dictatorial powers.

If you doubt me, consider this: what happens is someone you disagree with politically gets into power?  And once in power, that person reverses the definitions of words?  And hatred is suddenly defined as anyone who opposes Islam?  It may not bother you that Jews and Christians will still be persecuted, but now, so will homosexuals.  Yes, the court and law will still say you cannot ‘discriminate’ because of homosexuality, but the government will have just put the rights of Muslims over those of homosexuals.  So now, where the law will allow homosexuals to claim their rights over those of Christians, it will also support the rights of Muslims to exercise their rights over both homosexuals and Christians.  Now, just in case you do not understand what this means, I’ll explain: it means Christians will have to either convert to Islam, pay a punitive tax or die.  However, homosexuals only have one option — to die!

There are other scenarios that I could use to illustrate how this will work, but the point is this: it is not about ‘gay’ marriage, it is about opening a path to destroy the First Amendment.  It is about destroying the right to conscience, and by extension, freedom of expression. It is about the Supreme Court finally handing the government dictatorial powers as a matter of law.  But understand, if the Court does this, it will actually be destroying the law.  So this ruling is not about ‘gay’ rights: it is about the final destruction of the U.S. Constitution — period!

Next, go back and read what Joel Rosenberg wrote regarding these two points:


Threat #2 — What if America is not simply at rising risk of attack by Radical Islam but heading towards the risk of annihilation by Apocalyptic Islam?


Which brings me finally to Threat #3 — What if America is not simply entering a season of strained relations with Israel, but we are heading towards total American abandonment of the Jewish State?

We need to heed Joel Rosenberg’s words:

This is the most dangerous moment in the history of the U.S.-Israel relationship.

What do the next two years hold?

I’m not sure. But this much I know: on top of all America’s national challenges and sins, we dare not also abandon or turn against Israel and the Jewish people. If we do, we will seal our fate with God.

Which brings me back to you — the watchmen on the walls.

Are you warning the nation and the Church of the dangerous road the President has us on vis-à-vis Israel?

Are you mobilizing Christians to love and bless and pray for and stand with Israel and the Jewish people in this critical hour?


I am afraid I cannot tell you whether God will grant America a Third Great Awakening and/or raise up a King like Josiah (see 2 Chronicles 34-35) and thus forestall the coming judgment.

I cannot tell you whether the American government will do its job to protect us and our allies from Radical and Apocalyptic Islam before it’s too late.

Or whether the Church will do her job in fulfilling the Great Commission and standing with our persecuted brothers and sisters in the epicenter.

Or whether America and the Church will stand with Israel and bless her and the Jewish people.

All I can tell you is that you and I have been called to be watchmen on the walls.

Our job is to:

  • Listen to and study and know the Word of God
  • Teach the Word of God
  • Watch for threats
  • Warn the people, come what may

We are not going to be held responsible if people do not listen to us or to the Word of God. We will be held to account if we fail to speak and act when the Lord commands us to do so.

Much is hanging in the balance. May you and I be found faithful to the task.


We need to heed God’s Word even more!


1Pe 3:12

For the eyes of the LORD are on the righteous,
And His ears are open to their prayers;
But the face of the LORD is against those who do evil.” [fn]

1Pe 3:13

And who is he who will harm you if you become followers of what is good?

1Pe 3:14

But even if you should suffer for righteousness’ sake, you are blessed. “And do not be afraid of their threats, nor be troubled.” [fn]

1Pe 3:15

But sanctify the Lord God [fn] in your hearts, and always be ready to give a defense to everyone who asks you a reason for the hope that is in you, with meekness and fear;

1Pe 3:16

having a good conscience, that when they defame you as evildoers, those who revile your good conduct in Christ may be ashamed.

1Pe 3:17

For it is better, if it is the will of God, to suffer for doing good than for doing evil.

1Pe 3:18

For Christ also suffered once for sins, the just for the unjust, that He might bring us [fn] to God, being put to death in the flesh but made alive by the Spirit,

1Pe 3:19

by whom also He went and preached to the spirits in prison,

1Pe 3:20

who formerly were disobedient, when once the Divine longsuffering waited [fn] in the days of Noah, while the ark was being prepared, in which a few, that is, eight souls, were saved through water.

1Pe 3:21

There is also an antitype which now saves us—baptism (not the removal of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God), through the resurrection of Jesus Christ,

1Pe 3:22

who has gone into heaven and is at the right hand of God, angels and authorities and powers having been made subject to Him.

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8 Responses to “Jesus Said the Signs of the Times Would Be: ” As In The Days of Noah and As In The Days of Lot.””

  1. Cry and Howl Says:

    You’ve been nominated for an award.

    Liked by 1 person

    • christinewjc Says:

      Thank you Steve! That is so very kind of you to nominate this blog. I will need to think about my seven prayers (instead of “wishes” if that’s OK?) and the three blogs that I would also like to nominate.


  2. christinewjc Says:

    A blog author named Gina Suzanne, concludes:

    The rainbow is a symbol which has been adopted to represent homosexuality. After the flood of Noah, the rainbow was given by God as His promise to mankind to never again flood the earth.

    Genesis 9:12 And God said: “This is the sign of the covenant which I make between Me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for perpetual generations: 13 I set My rainbow in the cloud, and it shall be for the sign of the covenant between Me and the earth.

    The fact that the rainbow has been chosen to represent the very purpose for which the earth had to be flooded to begin with, exposes Lucifer’s hand.

    Satan, in his pride, always tries to mock God. The rainbow symbol is mocking the rainbow Covenant made by God to man after the Flood.

    Interestingly the homosexual rainbow has six colors and the true rainbow, given by God, has seven.

    Notable is the fact that number six, as in the well known 666 of the antichrist, is associated with Satan and the number seven is God’s number of completeness and perfection.
    Even the very order of God’s created nature proves that homosexuality is wrong. He made all living creature to procreate.

    In fact, after the flood, God instructed Moses and his sons to “be fruitful and multiply”:

    Genesis 9:1 Then God blessed Noah and his sons, saying to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the earth. The mere fact that homosexuals cannot reproduce should evidence that this is abnormal and deviant behavior that should elicit shame and not pride.
    Since homosexuals cannot reproduce, they recruit. This is what is one of the driving forces of the “gay pride” movement. They try to force homosexuality as “normal” and into the limelight in order to recruit.

    Satan hates humans because we are made in God’s image. The more humans that deviate into homosexual behavior the less amount of humans there will be as homosexuals, whose behavior is contrary to what God intended for His creation, cannot reproduce.

    Genesis 9:6 “…for in the image of God has God made mankind.”

    Homosexuality thus leads to less human beings and this is why Satan deludes people into thinking it is normal and something to be “proud” of, due to his hatred of mankind.

    Also, to the devil’s satisfaction, homosexuality means more human company for him in hell.

    Those who practice this sin or any other unrepentant sinful lifestyle will descend into the pit and be in torment for eternity.

    Satan is the Father of Lies and this is one of his favorites that he is trying to propagate. His ultimate goal is to make this sin accepted as “normal” so as to tempt more humans into practicing it.

    Sadly, there are actually churches that call themselves “Christian” which promote homosexuality as both normal and acceptable.

    The apostate leaders of these churches convey that since God is a God of love, He loves homosexuals for who they are. God does love homosexuals, just as He loves all sinners.

    However, in the same vein, He cannot condone and wink at their unrepentant sin just as He cannot with any type of sin that continues unabated.

    These blasphemers fail to convey to their deluded church members the truth: that God is also a God of righteousness judgment, who cannot allow sin in His Holy presence.

    Homosexuality is breaking God’s law and thus is a sin. Those who practice it are therefore living a lifestyle of continuous sin.

    Just like any other unrepentant sinners, if homosexuals die in their sin, they cannot be allowed into Heaven,into God’s Holy presence.

    Therefore, to the enemy of men’s souls, his escalating the promotion of gay PRIDE equates to LESS humans born on earth and MORE humans being cast into hell!

    1 Corinthians 6:9-10 – “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.”


  3. christinewjc Says:

    Did you ever notice that one color is missing from the homosexual “rainbow” flag?

    Seven Colors of the Rainbow

    The color that is missing from the homosexual rainbow flag is the color blue. It only has the indigo color – dark blue. Read what the author has to say about the blue color of the sky:

    Blatant sexuality in the world has made it hard for people to remember the possibility of delicate feelings, of personal intimacy that occupies the private world inside and has no need to compete with what happens elsewhere. Modesty is not inadequacy; boundaries are not restrictions. If anyone asks the reason why, then the answer only has to be that there are laws for people’s lives just as there are laws for the natural world: “Things are made to fall down, not up, and I’m doing as I was made to do.”

    This law corresponds to the blue color in the rainbow. Blue is the purest color and the closest to white, which represents original knowledge and truth. Blue is the color of the sky, a cool, soothing color, and it signifies the fulfillment of kindness and love, their peaceful nature which brings us near to heaven.


  4. Frannie Says:

    “After the flood of Noah, the rainbow was given by God as His promise to mankind to never again flood the earth.”

    Seriously? Do you really know what a rainbow is? A rainbow requires water droplets to be floating in the air. That’s why we see them right after it rains. The sun must be behind you and the clouds cleared away from the sun for the rainbow to appear. So according to the Bible, there was no rain and no sun before the flood in the mythology of Noah…we only have rainbows after the flood…really?

    “The rainbow symbol is mocking the rainbow Covenant made by God to man after the Flood.”

    Ridiculous…there actually were rainbows before the flood. Read a science book…please!

    “Homosexuality thus leads to less human beings and this is why Satan deludes people into thinking it is normal and something to be “proud” of, due to his hatred of mankind.”

    Equally ridiculous! Less human beings? Homosexuality has been around since the beginning of time. And guess what…the population has exploded! There are, and always will be homosexuals, and their parents are, by and large, heterosexual.

    “Homosexuality is breaking God’s law and thus is a sin. Those who practice it are therefore living a lifestyle of continuous sin.”

    I know many gay people, both friends and family, and all of them, all of them say they were born that way! I can’t disagree because I know I was born straight. I can’t change my sexuality, and you can’t either. We just are who we are. You however believe it is a choice. So I ask you, when did you decide your sexuality? Did you wake up one morning during puberty and look in the mirror and say to yourself “OK, today I decide…gay or straight?”

    As far as gays not being allowed into heaven? Maybe not YOUR heaven! But I can’t imagine too many gays wanting to go to your warped view of what heaven is!


    • christinewjc Says:

      Hey Frannie…

      You never did answer my question in a previous thread where I asked you if you are a Christian. How do you answer Jesus’ question, “Who do you say that I am?”

      If you are a Christian, care to share your testimony?


  5. Frannie Says:

    Although I was raised in the Lutheran church and went to a Lutheran school for 9 years, I am no longer a Christian!


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